at least it's good for something
Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
so that's where the lamb sauce is
I wrap my wings around my body like the system said, and activate the black hole-like ability, which from now on I'll be referring to as gravity magic. Gravy magic.
Anime & Comics · Sorrest
that is udon
Milim loves the snack, and eats while we walk. We stop at one of the places that sells shrimp tempura. Honestly, Cajun fried shrimp is pretty hard to beat. This is good, and definitely the best I've had in hundreds of millions of years, but Cajun is just so hard to beat. I'll have to teach a few people in my city about Cajun food. After finishing that, Milim and I get some ramen. Now ramen, I love. As a college age student with an unpayable amount of debt, ramen was my lifeline. Personally, my favorite types of ramen were the ones with thicker noodles. I just felt like they held more flavor.
Anime & Comics · Sorrest
that's just under have a pan
The "No u!" Technique
Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
don't worry about it garra just got the hulk treatment
Sách này đã bị xóa
puny god
Sách này đã bị xóa
i see they have gotten better with their thieving
Lady-"N-No Mrs. It's just the group you have caught is a high-level bounty target. They call themselves the wet bandits, and they have stolen more than 400 Million Zeni worth of goods and that's not even including the spaceships as well."
Anime & Comics · Ozonelayer
done dirt cheap
Dirty Deeds (3)
Anime & Comics · Hawkin
never gonna let u down
Chapter 13 - Je-Baited!
Anime & Comics · PlebLord
just for kicks alone in dark alley
(Image here.)
Lightning and Fire Given Form(DxD)
Anime & Comics · BlackSwordman1234