I'm just going to pretend this never happened
After all, when the statue was restored, Eden had instructed Bayev to slightly adjust the face to resemble his own.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
great just from this sentence I know it's a Chinese fanfic
On the lush green plains, a handsome man with black hair and black eyes, and fair skin, shouted loudly.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
months you mean weeks
After months of training and bonding, Zapdos finally began to lower its guard around Kai.
Anime & Comics · iamxeno
Dragonite or Salamence should be removed don't need two of the same types
Goodra, Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, Hydreigon, and Dragapult. Well, if he could replace Goodra with Dracovish, that would be even better.
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
isn't Blue his son and Gary his grandson?
Professor Oak's grandson!
Video Games · michaeI
to painful, to demanding... what a little b!tch
He was also considering creating a simpler meditation technique to enhance spiritual power in the future. The original Chaos God Mill Visualization Method was too painful and demanding. A simplified version might not be as effective, but if practiced consistently, it should still yield significant improvements in spiritual strength.
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_X
weren't the last three paragraphs in two sentences in another chapter
Our Shrek is just too awesome!
Anime & Comics · Firesight
Devastation & Creation are here 2 times
Ruler of the Carnage Pantheon: Laharl, Chaos God of Carnage, Darkness, Lust, Love, Infernals, Punishment, Authority, Slaughter, Devastation & Creation, Slaughter, Devastation & Creation
Sci-fi · Overlord_Bloodfall
Robin should be learning Haki
Mansherry and Robin hadn't focused on combat training. Bardock only required them to maintain good physical conditioning so that they had enough stamina to use their abilities. As for combat skills, they could develop those if they had extra time.
Anime & Comics · Firesight
days maybe weeks but not years
Although Misty knew Ash's intuition was always sharp, this seemed almost too precise. Then again, looking at the man's attire, it was reminiscent of Uncle Flint's peculiar outfit from years ago.
Pokemon: A different Ash
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29