Good to know. Was just saying the ways it could be interpreted. Thanks for all the chaps btw.
To be completely candid, if it were up to her, then she would've long since left Azmodeus and found herself a nice sweet's shop to munch at.
Eastern · Astral_Pandemonium
Well there are two ways to read what Astral said. 1 - We are going to love future arcs because Azmodeus will get rid of the baggage or 2 - (how you read it) where we will see even more baggage or nuisances.
To be completely candid, if it were up to her, then she would've long since left Azmodeus and found herself a nice sweet's shop to munch at.
Eastern · Astral_Pandemonium
Just a mistake. Meant to be Cosmic.
Constellation Lightning Force: 12000/20000 (celestial stage second level)
Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
"Zhulong Shan issued a challenge to you on the internal web and called you a coward," Yue Qiqiao said ini frustration when she saw how calm he was.
Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
Invincible Divine Sword
Eastern · God Sees