

LV 4

not....not...not... nothingness imao!

2020-09-19 đã tham gia Bangladesh
Huy hiệu 14

Moments 132
7 hours ago

Very very Thankful to you Author for recommending "After the Tyrant Differentiated into Omega" woohoo! 🥰💙It was a nice story hehehe ... And Thanks for the chaps! I'm rooting for Darian! 😆

16 days ago

smart ...

Before leaving, she carefully replaced the silk quilt that swaddled Sister Yu with their own coarse cloth quilt, closed the doors and windows, and locked them. Then, with her husband each carrying a bamboo basket, she took her children to cross the river by boat and rode a donkey cart to Furong Town.

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

General · Ting Lan Listening to the Rain

27 days ago

Hands up, Baby hands up, Give me .... hahaha I don't know it just started singing in my head lol 😆 ....

When they went past the array, people on the other side yelled "Hands up!" And they had no choice but to do so—not with all those arrows pointed at them!

After Surviving the Apocalypse, I Built a City in Another World

After Surviving the Apocalypse, I Built a City in Another World

Fantasy · NispedanaSan

1 months ago

I'm curious if there's a chance for the original Liang Jiaying to be brought back. It's such a shame that all her sacrifice from previous life that turns to good karma and privileges from this life was stolen from her. Now she's going to disappear bit by bit.

He looked at the transparent sphere with a hint of sadness in his eyes and said, "In this soul bead, there is the soul fragment of the original Liang Jiaying. Unfortunately, Wan Sifan failed to get her body back, and she could only wait for her soul to dissipate."

Transmigrated To Another World: General, I'm Not Your White Moonlight

Transmigrated To Another World: General, I'm Not Your White Moonlight

Fantasy · ColorfulAutumnWind

1 months ago

uhmmm I'm speechless catching feelings at first sight that was fast...

Huo Zhai silently watched as his boss clenched his fist so hard that his fingernails drew blood.

Spicy assassin bullies young master Lu

Spicy assassin bullies young master Lu

Urban · cupcake43_21

2 months ago

regression I guess?

All of my theories about the apocalypse crumbled after viewing the scenes. The protagonist of the novel took completely different steps than what I had written.

Author Of The Apocalypse

Author Of The Apocalypse

Fantasy · BlackFlamer

2 months ago

Is the reason He's cold was because his soul is incomplete or is his soul was split? Then what will happen when Suki completely acclimated with Yuan's body? Just hypothesis ... teehee!

"It's the fact that I wasn't complete yet, Father-in-law. I would only be a danger to him if I were to stay beside him in this state. Especially now that there's…"

Master Bai! This Celestial Fox Spirit Is Asking For Divorce

Master Bai! This Celestial Fox Spirit Is Asking For Divorce

LGBT+ · Imsuperberbs20

2 months ago

I think it has to do with the missing Wen Family that is rumored to have fox blood and maybe the reason why they target Shen Yuan and Yanyan ... It also explains why the compatibility of Yuan & Suki...

"Oh, you silly darling. How could I be angry at you when I know that you left not because of some selfishness? It was me whom you begged to protect Yanyan when you were trembling with fear. There's no way I will hate you."

Master Bai! This Celestial Fox Spirit Is Asking For Divorce

Master Bai! This Celestial Fox Spirit Is Asking For Divorce

LGBT+ · Imsuperberbs20

3 months ago

she could be a temporary potential ally as insider for the fall of Shi Long Kingdom ... Information is a scary tool in times of war....

Putting the cat to the ground, Empress Ye stood up from her seat. She looked at the flower vase nearby and whispered, "It would have been good if Shi Long Kingdom perished."

Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

History · Sorahana

3 months ago

The freak hes'sthe one who plan that assassination! then hes's no different from the ones's who massacred his family and at least could he have not involved Nan Hua's cousin as a respect if she was actually dead... Well she's alive, well and strong though I hope Lou Qingwei doesn't get in the way of saving him....

Even if she knew that some people might oppose her, but the grudge between her and Kuang Shen had deepened from the moment he tried to harm her little cousin. To involve a young boy in this war, this was not something that Nan Hua could accept. 

Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

History · Sorahana