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2020-09-10 đã tham gia United States
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Moments 2238
51 minutes ago
Replied to Unknown_To_All

same with me

A school for problem kids may sound like the last place to go but this wasn't just a school. In reality, it was a hub for mercenaries to rest, get tasks, or cash in on completed tasks like a quest spot in a game. Much like those game locations it also was a good source of information and had somebody in particular who could possibly even get him a meeting with the big man.

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

1 hours ago
Replied to king_of_kings666

honestly forgot myself until reading this

2011… Honestly, that didn't help him at all. Like who honestly memorizes Marvel dates? But at least he knows where he is. Giving the man a simple thank you Michael turned around to leave but he felt the clerk tap him on his shoulder.

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

1 hours ago
Replied to RandomBadass

don't think he even used the glasses

"That's something I'm going to have to fix later on but first let's get out of here" Grabbing some glasses that were on the counter he put them on and made his way out.

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

1 hours ago
Replied to

they worked with the real life actor while in new york

"That's something I'm going to have to fix later on but first let's get out of here" Grabbing some glasses that were on the counter he put them on and made his way out.

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

2 hours ago
Replied to PsyLoRD

I feel this just needs to be changed from weakness to susceptible

7 hours ago
Replied to NovelReadingSlime


"Page 343..." He flipped the page, looking away from them momentarily.

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou

7 hours ago
Replied to Ghostly_liar

yeah, probably meat 298

"Page 343..." He flipped the page, looking away from them momentarily.

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou

21 hours ago
Replied to TheUltimateP1e

because they could manipulate the evidence to make him a hated criminal

As the crowd continued to cheer and applaud, Maeve couldn't help but wonder just how far they would have to go to maintain their image as heroes. The pressure to be perfect, to be infallible, was immense, and the thought of constantly living up to those expectations left her feeling exhausted.

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou

2 days ago
Replied to LuciferMorningStar

not perfected but yeah

And I don't care if it's plagiarism — if I knew how to use Hirashin, I'd have 'invented' that too!

Red Nara

Red Nara

Anime & Comics · l_legolas

3 days ago
Replied to Uncle_Groudon

that was his cousion, shikamarus dad who is 2 years older then him, well i guess hes actually 7 now if mc is 5

"Alright, if you say so," Nara sighed, knowing my stubbornness. "But still, I think I should hold back and not fight at full strength. You just turned five recently, and throwing full-power strikes, I could easily damage internal organs or break bones if you don't manage to dodge in time."

Red Nara

Red Nara

Anime & Comics · l_legolas

  • The Journey of a Demon original

    The Journey of a Demon

    Anime & Comics

    A man Reincarnates in the body of Alastor within the Shinobi world, what will happen and how the world will develop has yet to be determined (I honestly haven't decided yet as the author although I have a few vauge ideas it's nothing concrete, am not even 100% sure if this will be a multiverse story) so come along and experience this story for as long as you can bear with my inconsistency (I'm working on it).

    3 Chs 3 sưu tầm

  • Marvel: An Oni's Journey original

    Marvel: An Oni's Journey


    A mutant in marvel that causes him to be an oni with earth elemental powers. Watch him try to survive and carve out a place for himself in the marvel universe while facing monsters aliens and attacks from his fellow man. All this while trying to be a hero and... a leader for change. _________________________________ okay so first off this will be an AU because I haven't read the comics or even seen all of the mcu movies/shows so if I get something wrong tell me and I might change it if I am able to still tell the story I want to second the updates will be inconsistent, especially since I will be getting my first ever job soon and I have a history of dropping stories from losing interest third I do not own any of the charcters I use in my story as they are owned by marvel (disney) and my mc by mihoyo fourth, yes the MC will be a hero and a good guy and try not to kill people, I'm tired of reading fan fics about villians or anti heros or any other moraly evil characters fith there will not be a harem but I do eventually want my charcter to get with someone so feel free to leave suggestions sixth kingdom building will come much later in the story so sorry about that seventh I'm good at coming up with stories but bad at actually writing them so please forgive me for this story possibly being unreadable okay I think thats it so lets begin

    3 Chs 169 sưu tầm

  • Life in Pokémon original

    Life in Pokémon


    This is a story of a person becoming a pokémon in the pokémon world. The world will be a mix of the anime and the games woth minor differences here and there. There will be a system but it will be very limited in what it can do. Other than that, I will try to keep the story as accurate as possible. If I make any mistakes, or you have any suggestions on where the story could go or what could be implemented into the story, please let me know in the comment section of the latest chapter.

    5 Chs 58 sưu tầm