Webnovel Author: PBOM2004 - Novel Collection



LV 1
2020-09-05 đã tham gia Philippines

Huy hiệu 2

Moments 310

Replied to Stormbringer

This is already dropped?

ch 23 TA: Skill Training Part 2, Apart for 2 Months

Leveling System in Apocalypse World

Leveling System in Apocalypse World

Action · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole


Replied to CrimsonPhoenix

Shrimp Dog Human Hybrid?

ch 14 14-The Test of the Strongest Part 1

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

Bruh? Experimental Secret Facility, They aren't even grooming super soldiers. They are experimenting, They want to see the strong prisoners live then the weak prisoners die.

"70% of the kids were killed by that damn crazy monster." The Doctor stops working on her computer and stretches her body. The Dead bodies would usually be sent through the Doctor so she saw the injuries of each of the dead kids. It was beyond something good, It was like a monster step on their bodies.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

It makes sense you know. When they see a kid with potential. They would save him but if they see a kid with no potential they would either leave him to die or kill him

'Damn, I forgot about the fight.' Leo thought to himself, He seems to be overreacting. The People in the Secret facility won't look to him as a weak kid anymore. He was dumb for putting on a show but it was also a good thing for him, The good show was probably the one that saved him from getting killed by that monster.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

Experiment, Wasteful or not. They need 7 strong prisoners, The remaining prisoners would be disposed or be used in other experiments.

The kids that didn't reach the top 7 would be disposed of or would become one of the Failed Subjects. It was the worst fate for the losers but this was how the world works, Especially with the Members. Most of the Members are dyed by Evilness and Immoral parts of the world. The Lady hearing the secretary nodded in agreement and spoke.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

Second Chapter, I already spoke about it.

"That was a good night." Leo muttered as he began stretching his stiff body, This has been what he was doing ever since he slept in this prison cell. Sleeping in one stiff position is pretty bad for a body but thankfully Leo had Leveling System with him. His inside would still keep working but that doesn't mean that his body won't be stiff anymore.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

Imagine a guy with superiority complex getting spit on by a kid. Other people would laugh at him and it was considered a win due to the social loss of the Captain.

The Crazy man's face seems to be very ugly, And most people know why. Leo spits on his face and declared that he won, It was like a slap to the face but judging from the pain the Crazy man gave towards Leo. It was the revenge for punching and kicking his stomach, It was an act of good revenge since it was humiliation at its finest. Being spit on by a kid is something any man wouldn't want, especially when the face itself was spit on.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to CaptainBoyHole

Among the ranks of the captains, He is the weakest. He would target his superiority complex towards recruits with the result of bullying them. He was caught doing it on the scene while almost killing a recruit. The Military had a reason to throw him to prison since the guy is crazy.

This was probably why he was brought to prison, It was probably because he went too far on the bullying. The Military had no choice but to throw him to Jail for what he has done, It was a good move since he was the weakest. The Military had no use of someone weak and kept stepping on other people just because he was the weakest of the captains, This was why he was put into prison.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to katerds00

Should I delete the Info Dumps chapters, There are just my draft anyone since I needed them to help me solidify my current System.

Replied to BLazeEzio

MC name is Leo, I got the wrong name.

"Your name is Leo Sinclair, Age: 15 Years Old, Gender: Male, and Have the Race: Human." The Doctor spoke to Leo with a serious voice, This was the Identity of Leo. This will be recorded in the archives and would change if there was something that needed to be changed. This will be his identity in the New World and Leo's adventure will start.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

Replied to

Sorry the wrong name, It seems that I need to change it.

"Your name is Leo Sinclair, Age: 15 Years Old, Gender: Male, and Have the Race: Human." The Doctor spoke to Leo with a serious voice, This was the Identity of Leo. This will be recorded in the archives and would change if there was something that needed to be changed. This will be his identity in the New World and Leo's adventure will start.

Leveling System In Another World

Leveling System In Another World

Fantasy · PBOM2004

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