he a minor ain't he?
"And for someone with access to the knowledge of multiple worlds," she countered," How the fuck are you still a Virgin?"
Video Games · raynei_achilles
"That explosion," she gestured around them, "It was a fixed point in time, across all timelines. A Nexus. And he needed to make some… adjustments to it."
Video Games · raynei_achilles
thats a fun way of describing a system...
It was a parasite.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
being honest? if I was in lukas situation I'd just say something along the lines of 'and?'
"You mean to tell me… that I've accidentally doomed an entire timeline?"
Video Games · raynei_achilles
'Shit.' Without a word, he slid his magic sword back into its scabbard before taking one careful step back. Pulling his cloak's high neck over his mouth, he turned around and walking away as nonchalantly as possible.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
dialuted mutated oxolot liquids with a shit ton of drugs... probably
"Holy shit. What the fuck did they feed you?"
Video Games · raynei_achilles
but not in a good enough proportion he comes out on top, considering the latest chapter in the story, even after the protagonist kills a lot of people using his mage-lile powers and with a small time skip, his power up isn't all that significant. the different plamids he buys give him more diversity in combat but his fuel remains the same and he gotta keep buying to keep it full. the store upgrades are also more about unlocking techs he can use but they are all so ridiculously expensive he'd have to refrain from buying fuel for his mage powers and just keep killing a lot of people with other means. not to mention the way news travel in undercity he really wouldn't make it pass two or three days.
guess we will never know the next adaptation...
robots did not need to be 'taken out' exactly, its explained they also got a deactivation switch. i assume he just had to stick a few robots, sneak up(which shouldn't be hard considering he is already small and hard to notice) and flip their switch.
Koji Koda: Limited usefulness, poor synergy, average team player. His animal control is too situational.
Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto
I mean technically in the original material its still alive even after being made into a weapon and after evolving enough it 'rebirthed' through tatsumi as he became the dragon itself. So it didn't die even when killed and forged.
A thought crossed his mind. 'How strong was this creature in life? And more importantly, how did it die?'
Marvel: Incursio
Movies · Donnuuu