this is so weird how casual she is being about all this
A short while later Aden's parents arrived and were sitting across from us. I had my head on Aden's shoulder feeling miserable. His parents looked at me with sympathy and my mom said "So, my son is transitioning and his Luna wolf will be here in full by Monday or Tuesday, I'm assuming he will be in danger from the rogue wolves my ex boyfriend used to tell me about." They both nodded sadly yes. My mom asked "What do we need to do about this because I want my son safe. I've been pretty understanding in all of this but now I'm worried somebody will find him and hurt him to hurt your pack." Mr. McGowan said "You both need to move onto pack territory as soon as we can get you there if I'm being perfectly honest in order to keep you both safe. I have an empty house about a thousand feet from the pack house. It's 4 bedroom, 3 ½ bathrooms and even has a home office for Ryan to start to take on some of the Luna duties in order to prepare for the day our sons take over." My mom sighed and looked around at the house around us and said "I hate to leave all the memories we've made here behind but for Ryan's safety I'll do anything."
Fantasy · James_Silver_6915
atleast you have good music choices
We leisurely ate breakfast and chatted about whatever came to mind until she had to leave for work at 7. I cleaned up and headed out the door about 5 minutes behind her. I got to Jodie's place really early so she took a few to get out to the car running toward it with a pancake hanging out of her mouth. I couldn't help but to laugh. She jumped in out of breath and said "WTF man you're super early…why?!" I laughed and partially lied "Had a bad dream and got up early so here I am." Anyways, we haven't had one of our impromptu dance parties in the parking lot in a while…it's time." She laughed and scarfed down her pancake in a hurry. We are a crazy duo when we're together anything can happen. When we pulled up to the school I cranked up the stereo and popped the trunk so the sub would be even louder. "S&M" by Rihanna came on and we were grinding and getting all kinds of dirty when people started joining us. I happened to look toward the school and saw Aden glaring at us while Russ just looked amused once again. I smirked and blew them a kiss before going back to paying full attention to our dance party. The next song that played was "On The Floor" by J-Lo and Pitbull. We started singing the parts while doing body rolls with each other. Jodie grabbed my arm and pulled it around her waist and I smirked saying "You noticed it too hu?" She smirked and turned her head and just went "Mmmhmmm" I laughed and when that song ended we had time for one more and it happened to be "Ready For It" by Taylor Swift. We danced until the end of the song and I shut everything off and locked the car making everyone groan. Jodie and I locked arms and walked toward the school with big smiles on our faces. As we were walking by Aden and Russ I heard Russ chuckling while Aden was glaring hard at us or more accurately, Jodie. I smiled back and said "Good morning guys" and kept on walking past them into the school. Russ yelled "Good morning!" but Aden just kept glaring which made it even more fun. Jodie and I both love Taylor Swift so we were singing "Bad Blood" while walking backward glaring at the two creepers on the way to our lockers and then into class. In first period it was just like yesterday…they kept staring. I rolled my eyes and whispered to Jodie "I guess they WANT me to kick both of their asses today." She snickered and I heard Russ snickering as well but surely he couldn't hear what I said. When I turned to look at him he was rubbing his lower back like he was in pain while smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes again and looked back at the front of the class ignoring them both.
Fantasy · James_Silver_6915
your one and only lover who is 10 years old
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the fact that you are calling a 10 year old a hottie is really weird
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I thought he was your brother? he can't be your brother and cousin.
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I thought it was his cousin?
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thank you. I was worried about it at first because I am a girl so I don't really know all this stuff
why are you going to ask someone on a date then flirt with someone else? I would be pisses too
"Well, let's just say the rest is between us" he brushes against her softly. He is flirting back, why is he flirting back when he is with me? "You should call me later tonight. I will show you what you have missed"
LGBT+ · WagS
I'm pretty sure not every girl likes you. not all girls like the same thing. some are gay
This has me shocked. Everyone wants me, so why is she playing hard to get. This is the first time a girl isn't interested and I don't think I can stand the loss. No way.
LGBT+ · WagS
it's bizarre if you are planning on having pups when you still live with your mother
We finally left and when we arrived at our new house the crew was already moving furniture in and putting things away. There was a crew in the kitchen washing and putting away all of the dishes, another washing all of our clothes and linens took it all to the pack house to wash it all at once. Within 3 hours, the only rooms not setup were the 2 extra bedrooms and my home office that I had no furniture for. Aden said "We're going to move your bed into one of the spare bedrooms tomorrow as well as your moms and we'll buy brand new beds for you two along with any other furniture needed for those bedrooms and your home office. The small foyer in front of your home office will have a desk for your mom as well for her to use until you take over as Luna completely. Mrs. McGowan handed me a catalogue and told me to mark the desks and beds I liked best so my assistant/mom could pick out what to get tomorrow while I was at school. She took me to start a checking account and setup a direct deposit of funds weekly to the account and even put $5000 in it to start. I put all my saved up money from my job which added up to another $15,000 over the last month. I got a debit card for my account with my name, one with my mom's name and one with Samantha's name. When we got back home I gave them each their cards and Mrs. McGowan told them if I asked them to make any purchases to use that card, including buying the furniture tomorrow but to make sure to balance the checkbook which she gave to my mom. My mom opened it and her eyes bugged out seeing the opening balance. I said "I put all my earnings in there since I started working.
Fantasy · James_Silver_6915