this a joke righr? right? answer me
Chương này đã bị xóa
Movies · mark_kiple
congrats on the 100th chapter🥳🥳
Chapter 100: Americas. 1513 CE
Movies · mark_kiple
hahaha okay ill keep my mouth shut then
A/N: bruh, I just accidentally copy pasted the wrong chapter, for a few minutes, I had posted a draft of the ending lol, if you saw that, don't say anything pls...
Movies · mark_kiple
whaa your welcome!!
nice chapter
omggg plssssss give us the next chapter fast huhu,,,, im dying to see what happens next
this dhould be in a 3rd persons pov, so, us, readers, would not get confuse haha, good job on the chapter!!~~~
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Anime & Comics · Immortle_diablo123
happy new year my fav author! and i highly suggest jumping with coins for fortune haha<33
wha thanks for the new chaoter, i got chills reading that last few lines. i hope the author can release new chs faster haha im itching for more. thank u for ur hard work till next time!! <33
my deepest condolences to you family
Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)
Movies · HelloDarkness07