

female LV 3

American-Russian-Japanese Gamer, Writer, sketcher, and league of legends player who showers- ikr? I love writing, and want you to smile !. Please enjoy what you read. ///

2020-08-11 đã tham gia United States
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Moments 1375
3 months ago
Replied to ji_desque

For sure, you're seeing through Hua's eyes on this one. She doesn't understand where she was before, or who she was, but she did mention she wants to find out. Small spoiler alert; the returning characters will be aurelia and aerendyl~ maybe he can shine some light on it~

3 months ago
Replied to ji_desque

I've had this idea for a few years after I was recovering from a near fatal accident revolving around ice and a fireaxe with my grandfather on the mountain. On my first night with him, I fell asleep and dreamt that I was in this 'court' and interacted with a girl called Nara. Soooo... it's been an idea since I was about 18 or so~

3 months ago
Replied to ji_desque

Thank you so much, I honestly got nervous to check the comments for fear of the story being hated to start hahahah I am really having fun :3

3 months ago
Replied to Mr_zero_san

you should, join it ;-;

3 months ago
Replied to Aron_123

do you think the writing has gotten better? in terms of tone, in general. yes, this story will be a fair degree less sex, but there will still be sex scenes and all, don't worry, I'm not totally breaking away from the original story!!

3 months ago
Replied to Mr_zero_san

Yesyes! the story is through the vetting process, now, it's called reincarnated as a hero- gone all wrong <3 <3 <3 love you! are you in teh discord???

3 months ago
Replied to Unauthentic

I appreciate your caring and taking the time to respond. if and only if you ARE interested, I have begun the rewrite, you can check my profile. Feedback would mean a lot, buit for you to come back to reread... thank you s o much, it really motivates me and makes writing feel so much more worthwhile

4 months ago
Replied to Brien_Hackbart

And thank you for your kind words. It passed vetting and is visible to all <3

4 months ago
Replied to Brien_Hackbart

Reincarnated as a Hero- Gone all Wrong?! Had to change it some because of the new ToS

4 months ago
Replied to Mr_zero_san

asddjbsjbFDbjkdsfbkjasdnkjadskjndsa I die every time I read your comments (from blushing) thank you for your kind words iasihndjhkasbdkjadslkjd;as

  • Reincarnated as a Hero- Gone all Wrong?! original

    Reincarnated as a Hero- Gone all Wrong?!


    "Today! We summon heroes, ten of them, to lead our armies!!" The king roared, and so too did the assembled crowd, their excited raving heard for fifty miles in any direction. "Today, we summon these heroes, to drive the demon scum back into the sea, and SAVE, OUR, PEOPLE!!" Everything went wrong. Hua finds herself forced to flee from the ones she was summoned to save, to protect, praying for a light at the end of the tunnel as the world around her itself seems to turn against her. Befriending a devil with lava for blood, a fairy with a lustrous smile and a handsome blonde man, she must run for the neighboring kingdom, before the kingdom behind manages to erase their mistakes. Potential turnoffs/dislikes: Girl x Girl, Polyamorous relationship/harem, religious fiction, serious topics

    5 Chs 41 sưu tầm

  • Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus) original

    Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)



    Hinata had pretty good luck, as a high school student living in modern Japan. The cutest of girlfriends, the best of grades. Lots of friends, and even the teachers liked him! Yes, life was never bad, and Hinata was never lacking. However, out of the blue, he trips and falls down the subway stairs, breaking his neck- because in truth, when mages from another world summon heroes, they don't always have the best of timing! Hinata understands well enough when he wakes up in that fantasy land that he's been reincarnated, but there are a few... problems. A.) Hinata has been reincarnated as a girl, instead of some hot guy with an instant harem. What the hell? B.) He, now a she, is a demi-human, a hated, second class race in this misogynistic world! C.) She has no support, because she woke up face down in the mud in some random forest! Taking on a new name and countenance, the guy who should have been a hero will have to start from the ground up- and in a world like this, there are some crazy, CRAZY adventures to be had! Being re-written, now, this version indefinitely hiatused. (TRIGGER/TURN-OFFS WARNINGS BELOW) *Sex scenes *Bloody combat *Yuri/GxG, apparently some people don’t like that *Futa/Futanari MC (she really is just a girl most of the time, though. Don’t worry, I promise this is a legitimate story, not only an eroge) *Sexism/Racism (medieval times) (good for ten uses)

    47 Chs 5.3k sưu tầm

  • Ghost; Inari's Pet (Project) original

    Ghost; Inari's Pet (Project)


    Shinobi... warriors of the night, without honor and without respect. Their tactics are almost blasphemous; they slit throats and contaminate water in the night, striking from the shadows as cowards... but in a world where humans and demons struggle for dominance, living in the midst of uneasy skirmishes and deaths... are shinobi not the perfect solution? Many years ago, humans did... what we do best, and we tried to play god. In our efforts to blend human and demon traits into one, create the perfect warrior without free will, to obey us unquestioningly, we opened a rift to hell and let half of Japan be lost in the slaughter that followed. To combat this threat, the government hunted down those who were broken down. Who hated the world, who knew of its cruelty... and these men, women and even children were forged into the Shinobi, heartless weapons primed to put the demons down. Finally, we decided on a plan to sneak into the infested portion of Japan and close the rift to hell... but we failed. Karasu was there, and he too failed, reduced to a gored corpse on the ground in moments... but fate had a plan for him yet, and the Shinobi woke up again, was taken to a temple where somebody waited for him. She offered him a chance at life again, more powerful than before, with only one condition; "Walk the Earth as my agent above anybody else's." (Karasu is an oc I've had a long time, and he is a main character in another work of mine, but I want to write this too badly to care. Yes, though- the cover is from Google Images, I don't have the money to commission one like my other stories yet) (The beginning of this story and the name "Ghost" are a tribute to Ghost of Tsushima, a game created by Sucker Punch, all rights reserved, I simply have a strong place in my heart for it for many reasons. However, this story is genuinely original.) Trigger Warnings; Gore Dark themes Sex Drug mention Alcohol mention -Placeholder cover until I commission my own, credit unknown

    3 Chs 17 sưu tầm

  • Youkai Incarnate, Beast Tamer, and Savage(SAO) original

    Youkai Incarnate, Beast Tamer, and Savage(SAO)


    (Warning; this story gets dark) Sword Art Online wasn't a game for children, and it never was. Karasu, born to an American mother and a Japanese father in modern Tokyo, always stood out in any crowd, standing a head and a half taller than most others and, compared to some, built like an ox. There were many places where he could not possibly hope to feel at home; such as school, or work. He always felt at home in the dojo, though. Hokkaido's Steel Dragon Dojo, where he fought, and learned. Sometimes, the others didn't like his size advantage, but others saw it as a welcome challenge, and knew that size in a battle does not win the fight. To them, Karasu took the practice blades, and like a dance he fought through man after man, woman after woman... and finally, just about a month after turning nineteen, while on summer break from University, he achieved the final rank, black belt sixth degree. As a gift shortly after, the master gives him a blade of his own, specially forged... and a video game, along with instructions to stop being so serious, to take a day off and game like so many other nineteen-year olds. He logs in and makes his avatar, spawns in a Town of Beginnings, bringing his girlfriend Ayano with him. She's bubbly and fun, but frightened... she'll need to get over that fast. Because at the end of the day, all of the players are summoned back to the spawn point in the Town of Beginnings, and faced with a frightening truth; there will be no returning to the real world until the game has been completed. Karasu runs, and he takes her with him, escaping the incoming stampede... At that point, it's no longer a game. It's a world of death, pain and fear; every otaku's dream turned into a waking nightmare. Karasu's problems form a wide range, from some older teen called the Black Swordsman getting a little too big for his britches, to the constant knowledge that the health bar is real in every sense... but, one way or another, he'll fight his way out, and he won't do it alone. ((Hm... this is not a story for die hard fans, it is entirely an AU/alternate universe, NOT canon. Silica is several years older, Sword Art Online dips into psychological horror... and all in all, while I respect the hecc out of the original, thanks Reiki-senpai, this is SAO for a different audience. ALSO! If you wanna hang out, copy and paste this, only good for ten uses right now though))

    21 Chs 555 sưu tầm

  • Ravens Can be Shot Down (Paused) original

    Ravens Can be Shot Down (Paused)

    Anime & Comics ROMANCE CAMPUS

    (Be warned, paused for planning) The difference between people will, always, lead to suffering; for we do not understand those who are not like us, and we, as the human race, must inevitably hate what we do not understand. This is why many nations imposed strict anti magic laws and police forces. For example, in America, anybody caught practicing magic is liable to be shot in the head on sight. However, Japan has long been pro magic, and since a catastrophe during World War Two, the island nation has been plagued with demons and spirits that ravage crops and murder indiscriminately. This is where the Onmyouji come in; specialized exorcists who use the Onmyou arts, a special line of magic for countering the supernatural, to protect Japan's general populace from the shadows in the night. Harutora Tsuchimikado awakes with no memories, lying in a hospital bed with a strange girl sitting beside him. This girl introduces herself as his familiar of six months, but he can't remember her... he can't remember anything. Harutora and his best friend, Touji Ato, were caught in a horrific train accident, and barely survived, but Harutora's head trauma was severe enough that he couldn't remember his own birthday. Now, the amnesiac is launched into Onmyou Prep School, an elite school for potential exorcists where he, the heir to the Tsuchimikado name, must work hard; Harutora has help, in spite of what seems like a total lack of magical talent... struggling to navigate the world as a dark shadow brews on the horizon, and as everything around him threatens to slowly shatter, fall away. (Warning, MC has a three-way relationship with two girls. Also, there's sex scenes, and blood during fight scenes. You've been warned!)

    5 Chs 55 sưu tầm

  • Angelic Revival (Hiatus) original

    Angelic Revival (Hiatus)


    All the people in the world, tied together by the threads of fate. We as the human race have only one outcome; death. However, it isn't necessarily so simple, is it? For the past three hundred years, ever since a strange accident in Hokkaido, demons have plagued the Earth, and faith in God has fallen away; because while Hell's denizens run amok, feasting on the weak and the young, the angels stayed in Heaven, assuming they even exist, not lifting a finger to help the human race. Now, in modern times, many people are convinced that Heaven isn't a reality, that it never was. Tomoe is one of these non-believers; which is why he's absolutely confounded when he finds a girl who could not be anything but an angel, bleeding and bruised in his back yard. She demands that he doesn't call an ambulance, that he lace their fingers together... and that's when Tomoe's life changes, forever and irreversibly. Bound to this angel in inexplicable ways, he finds himself with new abilities, new responsibilities and new opportunities. With the angel who calls herself Aine on his side and parents nagging at him, high school senior Tomoe is about to begin navigating an entirely new and mostly secret world, struggling to do what he thinks is right and using the red threads that bind everybody together as a guide. Demons, angels, youkai, co-workers and annoying highschool kids... what the hell could go wrong? (I will be entirely honest right here; Tomoe and Aine are originally from the visual novel; Bokuten: Why I Became an Angel. It was so depressing that I haven't managed to finish it yet, and so I have completely adapted the characters, keeping their names and appearance but making them entirely separate characters. This will be to Bokuten as Fifty Shades of Gray is to Twilight, except Bokuten was already sex filled.)

    4 Chs 17 sưu tầm