Vancouver's in Candada, not the US
"It's a state, and I'm from the state of Vancouver."
Anime & Comics · Magos_Cedus
Blue eyes, golden blonde hair, fair skin, and– that was all that he was willing to describe. He might've considered himself a man of culture... but she was far too young, and she was wearing far too little.
Anime & Comics · Bloooog
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Video Games · Querubim_
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Video Games · Querubim_
Wait is this like Baelish?
Daemon can't help but smile, if his friend was asking him then he'd try, after all, he did save his life from being eaten "Of course Rhaegar, I'll do my best"
Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed
Are you including mephala? cause she definitely ain't a good daedra
In fact, a good number the Dunmer were outright hopeful, many of them having family in the Grey Quarter saw this as a golden opportunity to move them away from the Nords' hatred and into a far safer place, some of the bolder twats in the ranks even started whispering about me being a living saint of the displaced.
Video Games · Rastislav
Vandal's behind like 3 different secret societies
Since I could remember, bed time stories were about the exploits of Vandaradg the second, from a mere man in the Bear tribe to Vandal Savage, the shot caller behind the Illuminati, an organization that has existed for thousands of years.
TV · Saintbarbido
Great effort
After waking up the next day, I caught a ship to Qohor that took two weeks to get there. After getting Truth dyed in black I decided to name her Lady Calypso. Thats what I'll call the blade until I'm influential enough to hold a valyrian steel sword. I also bought a steel axe.
Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born
And with all his over-the-top energy of one red trench coat wearing, fedora having, Vampire mother fucker he said—
Arcane: I have Plasmids F*** YEAAAAAAH!!!
Video Games · raynei_achilles