6. Your recommendations
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
1.) Fate/Stay Night fanfic, which after the 5tg Holy Grail War moves into Fate/Grand Order.
Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot
4. Cynthia Shirona
Anime & Comics · TouchSomeGrassBruh
You didn't mention his fuinjutsu skills.
I don't think the great king faction will allow a half blood devil as future lady Bael.
Sách này đã bị xóa
I agree. You nee a lot of slice of life chapters or it will become monotonous and boring
Loved the chapter. Keep it up As for the harem take Kuisha Abbadon the girls from slash dog are there. You can find a way to get inviglid into the harem or kill her for her leviathan DNA, though I don't recommend it as she is a half breed so the ritual might not be effective.
#2 - Taking over Madripoor, turning it into a Kingdom. Madripoor will be MC's own power, filled with his allies, leaving him out of the touch of corrupt international governments and organizations.
Marvel: Video Game Templates!
Movies · StrikerAuthor