

LV 11

Amateur writer, professional editor. Discord: ShadowOfSolace#1501

2020-07-31 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 8

Moments 772
2 years ago
Replied to Azurtha

As for myself, I don't feel I will be squeamish enough to find this thing in particular off-putting enough to not read

2 years ago

Constructive criticism: if you're worried about triggering people you can do one of several things: - provide trigger warnings either before or in chapter - avoid describing the events from the view of the victim - avoid showing the event in process, show a before/after series That's all

2 years ago

My brain: Oh, yeah that's right. It was a day or two ago you saw the notification for this being online while you were rushing around- Today: 10 days later... I have lost all semblance of time, apologies... Good recap, hope to see some interesting Underland hijinks soon

2 years ago


"You deviant," Nao snickered, returning to the room with Aurelia, both of them having changed into fresh clothes, Aurelia's typical bodice visible under short shorts and a tank top, Nao wearing a casual sweater with leggings. "What are you, a demon straight from hell~?"

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Fantasy · Rebuilt_Kitsunii

2 years ago
Replied to Rebuilt_Kitsunii

I think they meant by title, not image.

2 years ago

*hug* Good chapter! Sorry I forgot to read it sooner with all the hub bub going on around here lately, what with my move and all, it slipped my mind that I wasn't caught up. Anyhow, yes, yes, very good and wholesome. I'm quite looking forward to what comes next :)

2 years ago

OMG, lol. What a card!

"Respect women I must, acquire true daddy I also must!!" Nodding, Aerendyl laughed and turned, shirtless as always but oddly sweaty. Not the sort of sweat that appears broken for display, but rather a genuine one of hard work, matched by blonde curls hanging lank with sweat.

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Fantasy · Rebuilt_Kitsunii

3 years ago

A good wish, a well deserving one

"Yes, definitely..." The Summoned Hero yawned, slowly getting to her feet. She felt the same, as said... just strong, rested, ready to tackle the day. Already diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder on Earth, her only wish was to... be mentally healed? To let to of the past and live freely of such shackles, was that it? If so, she'd definitely gotten that wish, at least as far as one could tell by the easy bliss in her mind now- but what a wish, for her to not realize what it was even when the pleasure knocked her unconscious. Only to be healthy, to have a whole mind in one piece again... it was a nice wish, Hina thought with a self-derisive smirk.

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Fantasy · Rebuilt_Kitsunii

3 years ago

Much sadness...

"Quit, yes... you, Hina, you know pain. Your mother... cut your face open, as a child. Broke your leg, hurt you, maimed your spirit... she tried to murder you, again, and again... until blood flowed as heavily as your tears... then worse, and faster... yet, you came here, to this other world, because through... hell, you would not break. Because your spirit was... strong enough to be given a second chance... not for the usual reason... while some burn hot with their desire to prove something... you burned with the desire not to fall, and die... Worry not- there is no trap, only talk."

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Reincarnated as a Hero- and the Wrong Gender?! (Hiatus)

Fantasy · Rebuilt_Kitsunii