Webnovel Author: Capybarian - Fanfic Collection



male LV 3


2020-07-29 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 6

Moments 536

Replied to reez00

No, not really

Airbending, Firebending, Waterbending, and Earthbending, plus being able to use all four at once? In addition to being able to use the Avatar state?

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to Kaptagon

What's wrong with being taller than 6"7'?

His rate of growth really did surprise him, though, since he was pretty sure his parents' genes weren't this good. After a year, he grew more than a few inches in height, and he hadn't stopped growing since. An accurate estimate for his current height would be approximately six feet and five inches (195cm), surpassing his old height of five feet and five inches (165cm) by an enormous margin. He also recently had to start shaving his face because of how quickly his facial hair grew.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to Capybarian


A moment later, the merchant returned with a sheathed Jian and a bundle of cloth. "This steel sword was forged by a blacksmith in Shu Jing, the home of Piandao," he said dramatically, placing the sword on the table and unrolled the bundle of cloth, revealing six throwing knives tucked inside. "And this is a set of top-quality throwing knives I acquired in the Earth Kingdom."

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian


Here's an image of the sword and the throwing knives


A moment later, the merchant returned with a sheathed Jian and a bundle of cloth. "This steel sword was forged by a blacksmith in Shu Jing, the home of Piandao," he said dramatically, placing the sword on the table and unrolled the bundle of cloth, revealing six throwing knives tucked inside. "And this is a set of top-quality throwing knives I acquired in the Earth Kingdom."

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian


The sentence after the "//" is a story note for myself that I forgot to remove. Please ignore it as best as you can

Replied to AspiringPedo

Only some animals

Copying what she did, Nathan put bits of bread in his hand and slowly lowered it near the closest baby turtle duck. It stared at his hand for a moment, perhaps with curiosity, before getting closer and eating the pieces of bread.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to JustTiredOfPicking

fair enough

"Nathan. Nathan Anderson." He spoke out and was immediately surprised by how much deeper his voice got.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to Dark_7248

The show only subtly alludes to why Ursa left, leaving it quite open to interpretation. And the exact details of Ursa's forced departure were only explained in the comics, which Nathan hasn't read

Then, a minor epiphany came to Nathan, and he paused in thought. Now that he was here, was there something he could do to change their lives for the better? He could prevent Zuko from ever being burned and scarred by his father. He could figure out what forced Ursa to leave in the first place. Maybe he could even see if he could improve Azula's situation.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to Chromacorn

Puberty could start at nine or earlier (an outlier in the latter's case), but yeah. It's a bit outside the norm

While he would like to lie and say he didn't care much about girls, he really did care to a great extent, just like a lot of guys his age. However, he did have a problem that's been getting worse and worse since he turned 9. He didn't know if it was puberty or something else, but the amount of times he'd masturbate every day since first learning how to do it would probably make a doctor worry for his health. Hentai and porn being easy to access didn't help.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to AspiringPedo

Well, the original purpose of this CYOA was to allow freedom of choice. It's similar to a jumpchain, where a character moves from world to world after staying for a sest amount of time. For people who want a challenging "chain", they'll most likely choose any of the first three difficulties, but for the ones who want a power fantasy (like my fanfic), they'll choose this the 4th or 5th one instead.

Regardless of difficulty or choices, you now have a permanent shard of the Root of Reality, and thus by surviving for five years without leaving your chosen reality (time manipulation not counting), something will change, and at any point after that (or when you die) you can reconnect to the kaleidoscope, and gain the permanent ability to journey throughout the myriad realities, within reason. This includes being able to return to your original time and place with all your powers and perks, if you wish to do so.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

Replied to POTATOMan2i6


A hint of a smile played on Piandao's lips. "Then let us begin your training."

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian

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