Imagine being a healer. With this, you also become a tank.
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So does DxD though xdd
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I saw this coming from a mile away
I think this is a typo
We tried to get her blood and DNA, but every small piece separated from your body would end up burning. Can you tell me why that is?". She was confused on what DNA was, but she understood the term blood. She wondered if it is for a curse.
Video Games · Lightgiver
At the current chapter 30, the story has turned out great. Given my low expectations when starting it, I found myself pleasantly surprised. The story itself takes a somewhat creative twist; The MC is morally gray compared to the original Nero, which makes the story much like a breath of fresh air. There are some minor mistakes and the writing is somewhat confusing at times, but nothing major. Updating stability, I am not sure, however everything else is good. I do very much recommend.
Yeah, not like she can, I dunno, turn it’s atoms into sand or anything
However, the most useful ability for this situation would be Lily's superhuman strength; after all, she didn't care to be secretive about her break-in; they knew she was coming already.
Movies · ZeroX0666
Now to make barriers between someones's torso and their head
Barrier Creation XGene - The user is able to create weak semi-translucent illusions from their hand to cover the surface area of things they touch.
Movies · ZeroX0666
I am just going to pretend that One Above All didn't just appear, and I am going to not acknowledge any future mentions of it. Doing something like this is just cheap.
"Still young."
Movies · ZeroX0666
Shouldn't this just be enough to kill everything by sharing the genome with some fly-sized hive mind creations ?
Elemental Transmutation XGene - The user is able to alter the structure of one form of elemental matter into the form of another similar form of elemental matter. However, the cost of it drains the user of energy, and the user needs to be aware of the matter they want to change it to.
Movies · ZeroX0666
Irina or Xenovia would make sense, given how the plan seems to be for Asia to become the next 'God' figure in their eyes. Gabriel works too, but I don't think she can commit to any relationship given she is an Angel