Haykaiju - Profile



male LV 13
2020-07-06 đã tham gia Brazil

Huy hiệu 12

Moments 1114



Optional Objective(s): Impregnate 'Ohta'(0/1), Kill 'Ohta'(0/1), Present 'Ohta' to the current Archfiend, Dractus Crimson(0/1), ????(0/1), ????(0/1)

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion


oh boy...

'And then there was Sarah...' recalled Will, thinking back to the previous night. At a glance, Sarah had been identical to Ohta, but while he hadn't paid much attention to it at the time, he recalled her having white horns that curled at her temples. That, combined with the fact she appeared to him in a dream, indicated she had the capabilities of a Lust Demon. More specifically, a Succubus...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



"I am deeply appreciative of your patience and understanding..." said Philius, gesturing to the chair reserved for Will with his right hand while clenching his left fist behind his back. Had anyone else spoken to him like Will, he would have had them bound to a waterwheel and left them there for at least half a day. In Will's case, if he felt like his life was in danger or he was being detained against his will, he could resist and even kill them. And if they severely injured or killed him in turn, everyone in their chain of command would be investigated and likely executed to avoid conflict with the Oirthear Constellation...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



"Aiden, mind if we have a chat...?" asked the voice of Aelius, prompting Ohta, who was eyeing Will performing pushups from the bed, to audibly click his tongue before disappearing into his shadow.

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



Eyeing the choker around Ohta's neck, Will briefly considered breaking or trying to remove it. His intuition told him that doing so would provide him with all the answers he needed, but since it was virtually guaranteed that Sarah was the one to put it in place, there was a very high probability he would become the target of her wrath. And he wouldn't be the first within their group to die at her hand...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



Rolling his eyes, Will got up from the bath, stepped out of it, and used Aura to dry himself before peeling away his clothes. Ohta stared at him nearly the entire time, but since he had already resolved to see things through to the end, he ignored the diminutive Demon's gaze and stripped down to his birthday suit. Then, once again thinking back to the days he spent with Arusha, he helped Ohta wash his back, sides, shoulders, and hair while doing his best to avoid grazing any potentially sensitive areas. Despite this, Ohta's body radiated enough heat to rival a furnace by the time he was finished, causing the room to become progressively steamy as the surrounding water evaporated and a tiny horn protruded from the right side of his scalp...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion




Unsurprisingly, most of the Sidhe in the warren were Angr's children, the principal exception being most of his wives. Once they were ready, males would venture out to create warrens of their own while the females, more often than not, would travel to existing warrens to become the spouses of established males. Very few ventured outside of the Fairsinge Grasslands, not because they lacked curiosity but because many viewed lesser Zoans as easy marks or semi-intelligent monsters. As such, they were one of the most trafficked and exploited races in all of Deisceart...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion

Replied to Haykaiju

but I guess this one is more accurate xD


"Something that looked like a Satyress but more ghostly emerged from the shadows and unleashed several icy arrows before retreating through the wall," explained Will, feeling a sense of incongruence as the figure had reminded him of a video game character from his foremost incarnation. All it was missing was a black, wolf-themed mask...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



"Something that looked like a Satyress but more ghostly emerged from the shadows and unleashed several icy arrows before retreating through the wall," explained Will, feeling a sense of incongruence as the figure had reminded him of a video game character from his foremost incarnation. All it was missing was a black, wolf-themed mask...

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion

Replied to golden_autumn


A heavy sound resounded, followed by another. It seemed that someone was descending from an unseen dais, the weight of their unhurried footsteps echoing in the lightless hall like an ill omen. 

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree



Finished with what he had to say, Aelius waved his hand before promptly departing with Kris. This, once again, left Will and Allyson alone together, but before things could get too awkward, Ohta appeared, seemingly from beneath the table.

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion



Though he understood what Will was getting at, Ohta's right eye began to twitch. His diminutive stature was something that troubled him quite a bit. Fortunately, while part of him was tempted to prove Will's concerns were unfounded, he also believed people their age shouldn't be fooling around, acting like animals. He also feared the very real possibility that Will would break his ass, so after reining in his urge to cave the former's face into the back of their skull, Ohta retreated to the shadows with the parting remark, "Eat shit and die..."

-The Path-

-The Path-

Fantasy · Einlion

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