I think he can blame his teacher here, obviously he should have picked someone more outgoing
Afterwards he returned to his desk to immediately plop his face right onto the table. Their first encounter couldn't have possibly gone any worse and already his confidence in keeping this club afloat was already shattered. If he couldn't have a normal conversation with this strange girl, then how was he expected to help her?
Realistic · bigbear51
even I am almost shorter than her...
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Urban · 4C75x6574x566e
thank you! but is this really it?
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Urban · 4C75x6574x566e
I don't know man, never bothered with cooking either xd
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Urban · 4C75x6574x566e
ironic considering we're now gonna see it in anime
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Urban · 4C75x6574x566e
Lol, that's one way to move up I suppose.
Sách này đã bị xóa
Random readers thought, but I think I prefer just one ending.
Maybe that's just my writing style or maybe I just feel too bad for fictional characters and the readers who've grown to love a lot of them. So I just want to pose the question of what you, the audience, would prefer.
Realistic · bigbear51
It seemed so suspicious I never even remembered that was the reason she stated.
"I've just been thinking about when I used to be friends with him." She answered. "I know that I told you that him being friends with someone else… That it was the reason he changed… But that was a lie."
Realistic · bigbear51
I'm getting the odd feeling Iruka was actually a bad bad friend.
"Yeah…" He agreed, but also knew she hadn't gotten the full picture. The way Masahito spoke to him afterwards felt odd. It wasn't like he enjoyed being a bully and it sounded more like he believed he had been doing the pair a favor. He brought up things between them Hakuta believed he had kept only to himself. Was there something more to that previous friendship falling out that even Iruka hadn't realized? Or perhaps, she hadn't been willing to admit to herself what the true problem was.
Realistic · bigbear51
No common sense whatsoever, I like her!
"Guess you can just borrow my spare swimsuit then."
Running After You
Realistic · bigbear51