Lo tienes subido al español?
i didn't like it, bye
Is a rewrite of the one in fanfiction.net?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------more please---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The mc is really annoying, the chapter are boring and the story too slow.
muy buena historia espero que salga la segunda parte
In the garden all the children of my same age asked me how I did what I did, obviously I told them that I did not know, so when one or another of the many children awakened their quirks, Maa-san took us all to the quirk specialists , luckily it wasn't that cheap doctor simi mustachioed brand, but a completely different one, the process was fast and for the moment with some experiments that I had no idea what they were doing, they determined that I was an emitter type quirk that can manipulate certain material from the environment and absorb it, the rest I would have to experience myself.
Anime & Comics · SentimentalReader2
As he closed the door, he jerked as he heard a loud and angry, "MOTHERFUCKER!" from Fury's office before a loud crash reached his ears.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
DxD Crawling To The Top
GOT : Reborn as a Frey
Book&Literature · Numera