See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Colin Mochrie is a legend
"It's a city, one of the largest," Zirani explained. "Its stretches on for miles and miles. Millions call it home. It used to be called Old York, but that didn't make sense once it started to expand even past the old borders, and it reclalimed and then past its old brilliance. From New York to Old York to The Grand city of York, or Grand York as most call it."
Fantasy · I_S_Rift
It used to mean strange in the 16th century
A queer hot feeling reverberated within his body and made his training speed increase.
Eastern · Fast Food Restaurant
First! Oh no! Furball! :'(
"Big oof to the guys who tried to take it away from the Steele clan!" Calaminus laughed.
Fantasy · Rapture_Tales
Those are 2 very different things
"claws crossed" lol
Chương này đã bị xóa
Fantasy · RinoZ
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
Of course it's a woman
Semmi shook her head, "the city guard have all been killed. Yesterday they hung every officer in the army with the exception of one captain who was able to escape into the woods with her platoon."
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See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair
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