

male LV 3

I, am a nerd. I have stories to tell, but I run out of ideas. Let's keep this Cycle spinning. I am no longer writing, on hiatus

2020-06-11 đã tham gia United States
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Huy hiệu 11

Moments 419
1 years ago

After Chunin Exams, I'm planning a "Server Update." So, there will be real life, and other worlds being explored soon. Maybe the number of playable games will increase?

Sách này đã bị xóa
1 years ago
Replied to Sdrawkcab

I was thinking about Eragon and the intent...

1 years ago

I like this one, I'm going to go continue reading this should you write more, it's cute. I'm stopping Sacaroth's story for a bit, and I'm writing a video game novel that uses the metaverse for abilities. I went to read abuse of magic again, accidentally clicked comments and saw this was your book... Sorry if this is random...

1 years ago

I hope you enjoy, I am, and that's while writing. I know there's not a bunch out, but please enjoy. Have a great day

1 years ago

Not sure where to really go, want to criticize please do.

1 years ago

I'm not continuing this one, i have a different thing i would like to do.

2 years ago

Sorry for delays, i'm back though, so here we go! Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer

2 years ago
Replied to SacarothIsWriting

new book

2 years ago
Replied to Sinadin

2 years ago

HAHAHAHAHA Perfect, higher positions screwing over those who are unfortunate. Always a thing, and always a good turn of events. loving this

  • ErRoR original



    Hey guys, This is not available anymore, please read The Tale of Sacaroth instead. If you go to my page, I have two others in reservation. This one, is not happening.

    5 Chs 2 sưu tầm

  • Zaser's Game original

    Zaser's Game


    I'm glad the school got these systems for the school's teachers. We can study for hours for extra credit, so that we can take these home to play the most popular game on the market. The systems are somewhat pricy, but all the adults have them... In anycase, I'm glad the Xerxes Cooperation allowed this. It allows for the basic package with Virtual Reality Game Anime Dreams that I guess people from "Your" Earth. We can't travel yet, but i hope we can soon, think of the breakthroughs! Anyway, the game... Got lost there for a second, can't believe I had flashbacked. "I think I'll go with a Assassin/Sorcerer, I like the idea of a mage who summons a knife out of no where and can cloak in shadows." I say, to my friends that I probably will stick away from. They'll be popular. I get crowded easily, I don't want people following me around because I saved them. I just moved here, even, and i don't know my "friends" very well. If anything, I'll hide in their shadows, and sneak a few bits of treasure from them, if we stay together... "Alright, well, I'll try an Assassin / Berserker!" One of the more popular kids in the group says. I nod at that, and he smiles at that, clearly proud having impressed the new kid. I think his name is Alex? "Necromancer Assassin!" The smaller guy says. There's two others here, both girls. One I'm crushing on. Her friend, is the other. The guys are liking her friend, and they talk away about skills and what made their choices, and why, she, the girl I like, just tells me: "DeathKnight Assassin." And turns, blushing. "That's quite the goal. Hide well, fellow shadowkin." I say, and duck under the table. I quickly get back up, and she's blushing. "That's the bell, come on, out, you unruly shits." The teacher, a nice guy, he's done his best to keep us settled, and he tries to be cool. This was the last class of the day. And week. The girl I like followed me outside... "C-Can we go on a date, in game, as that will give us more... time?" She asks, and she's blushing... "Yes!" I shout, blushing as well. "Who... Should I look for?" She asks. "Um... I kinda want to see if I can put in a noise that I can do, but can't choose..." I tell her, shifting between different voices I've found I can do, and she bursts out laughing. "Zase, get in the car." My mom says, driving up. "Mom, she asked me out." I say, panicked, facing her. "Oh. Get a condom. Maybe two. Hope you have a way to get my son home. Zaser, you know our address." She says, Driving off fast. "OH MY GOD." I fucking shout. My fucking life... (Author Note: Hello, welcome, new book! I have others. I got a little carried away with this synopsis. I use these as part of the first chapter, and explain the situation. I write for long amounts of time as a hobby, but I've had writers block in other books. Either that, or I ended the book. I recommend Sacaroth's Ascension, Sacaroth's Cycle, And then Player Zero. I am writing these in a canonical order, based on time space dilation differences. There is lore, you just have to think a bit. I have Notebooks as of now that contain lore, but they are private. I plan to write equal Lore. Extra, even. Please, enjoy my books, if you read them. Who knows, maybe one day, they'll be something that has some worth. I know its not top grade, but please, have a great day.)

    4 Chs 1 sưu tầm

  • Player 0, Sacaroth original

    Player 0, Sacaroth


    "Where am I? Where's Ymir, Zaser?" Sacaroth, I, thought to myself. I had been in the dragon santcuary, Dragonroost, before I had been knocked unconscious, and I woke up here, in a pitch-black room, warm, cold, but I can see my body? "Dispel Illusion." I try to cast. (Failed.) Fuck. "Be not afraid! I'll quote, earthling, or are you?" I hear. I can't move my body. Fuck, A divine's divine. "Yes, Aiden, I'm aware. Yes, I know your real name, but you shouldn't worry. You are dialated by 1-500,000,000. To your world you were in. You'll be back before your kids even knew what happened."

    5 Chs 0 sưu tầm

  • Another Nerd lost in a World Abandoned by Gods. original

    Another Nerd lost in a World Abandoned by Gods.


    I was just a poor kid, who lived everyday wondering if we ran out of money for food, couldn't go outside because of bad people. I studied, hoping to get a decent job to help my family, as my younger sisters deserved better. I wrote books about my fantasies, if magic were real, what'd I be able to do, along with the fact I wanted wealth, power, amd safety. Should've known, that it'd all be too difficult to have to myself. Not like it should be. Can't believe i shook that mans hand. Glad my family gets to be happy. I just have to keep myself safe. Good thing I learned survival techniques, and practiced being quiet with my steps. Hope I find food, last time I ate was dinner last night...

    2 Chs 1 sưu tầm

  • Zaser's Worth original

    Zaser's Worth


    I need a break from father, he's been trying to get me to go down a path for a while, I'm just trying to live my life, I don't know why he's been being so forceful... Maybe it's because he achieved great things in his time... You know what? I'll head to the Academy, after I turn 18... Can't believe I'm going to do this... Father, I hope you approve of my magic...

    4 Chs 0 sưu tầm

  • Sacaroth's Stupidity original

    Sacaroth's Stupidity


    New book by SacarothTheWriter, Sacaroth's Misadventures It's simple. New book. It replaces a bad idea. Hope I'll actually get far. Wish me luck! No spoilers here! Read if you want to see anything. Updating every Friday if I have anything. They may be coming out slowly... Maybe out within a week.

    3 Chs 0 sưu tầm

  • Sacaroth's Cycle original

    Sacaroth's Cycle


    On Earth, He was a Nerd. Or a Weeb. Dependent on what topic the conversation was. He was homeschooled most of his life, so he studied what was interesting to him after he got his assignments done, Science, and kept up on any Ideas on how he could use magic, if such a time ever came. Unfortunately, it did. He was given one type of magic to use from birth, but he was Reincarnating for eternity in exchange. If he died, he'd never rest. If he did atrocious things, the one in charge would give him his punishment, before sending him off again. "Blessed" to never have his soul destroyed, and his sanity sane. As sane as it could be, anyway. The gods created smaller quests, for him to do if he was bored, but they get about 75% of his experience... And his knowledge could only be unlocked with Reincarnation Tokens, which require him to do 10 quests for a token, of which he would need to wait for the next life to even use. For the first 1000 lives, he was lucky to have about 76 good runs, but then he was assassinated in fear of the genius. He later understood, he needed to grow slower, without anyone knowing, except any completely loyal to him. The gods had updated the System after the 10000th life, so he know gets to know, if companions will betray him for anything. Sure, he could use this to stay untouchable, but he doesn't have all the time in the world. So, he uses it for deals. He then got his first title, Dealer, which allowed him to create a Magic Contract, and as long as both parties agreed, it would be set. However, he only gets three at a time. Titles aren't Permanent, but there were Permanent titles. Dealer was apparently one of such, so he started plotting when he died. But then he is born into a planet where the reincarnated are born, and then brought to their peak, to continue with that strength in their next life. Follow Sacaroth on his journey, while he tries to free himself from the cycle. Will he break the chains, or be a slave to the gods forever. Or, will he find a way to stay reincarnating, without the gods resctrctions, and find peace, before eventually going null, and broken? {Author Note: I got a cover done with!}

    13 Chs 2 sưu tầm

  • Sacaroth's Journey original

    Sacaroth's Journey


    My most recent project, I worked on a mass release of ten chaps for this to start with, with at least 5000 words each. Please enjoy, I'll read any suggestions, I'll let you know if I use them. *Insert Synopsis*... Oh, give me a second.... There.

    8 Chs 1 sưu tầm

  • Sacaroth's Nobility original

    Sacaroth's Nobility


    Player Zackary Quinn, has died. Loading New Game Welcome to Wyla! [Intergration Complete.] (Hello, Player. Welcome to Wyla, a land for people like you. This will be an RPG, for you and others to enjoy.) {Go ahead and make a character to play as, fellow author. I'm allowing one author to write as part of this world, as I'm going to be reading your side. I'll have a chapter with some "rules" for us to follow.} Oh, crap. What happened? (Well, you died again... You see, a unknown force was killing you over and over, through each intergration. I took care of it, and now you can work with others.) Memories come flooding. My lives, have rotated between earth, and back to a different realm each time. Wow. Well, here we go. {Was going to try to do a Co-op, with another Author, I just didn't see how that would work. I was half asleep. Anyway, please enjoy. Also, decided to use a new name. Aiden Sullivan wasn't a good pick. But, bad name, bad life. That was the point. Eh, maybe not bad name. Seems like a good random one I got from the random name generator. Just now realized that I picked the wrong contest when making this. Thought I'd try for one when I started on this one}

    5 Chs 0 sưu tầm

  • Sacaroth's Ascension original

    Sacaroth's Ascension


    Aiden was just a slightly normal kid. He played video games, a lot. He was poor. He was more interested in science then others, just more in fantasy. One day, on his way home from school, he was walking along a bridge, and a car swerved (Because of a popped tire). He wasn't killed by the car, but smacked over the side of the bridge, hitting his head on a rock under the river, and drowning. He woke up in a bed, somewhere he didn't recognize. All he knew, is that he was in a church, mainly from the worshiper next to him. ------------- I have finished this one, but if anyone reads this book, please try Sacaroth's Cycle. I might return to this later and add more GodRoth content.

    20 Chs 4 sưu tầm

  • Sacaroth's Pre-Death original

    Sacaroth's Pre-Death


    Sorry, I'll make this one at a later date. I'm working on The Tale of Sacaroth at the moment. Maybe a 200 Chaps in that I'll continue this one

    3 Chs 0 sưu tầm

  • Welcome, To Gaia original

    Welcome, To Gaia


    This is my first work, thank you to whoever reads this. This is about a highschool student who get killed in an accident and get sucked into the world of a game. How ever, when he dies, he will respawn, but he gets reset. how will he spend his rest of the world while he finds a way out of this endless cycle of death? read now to find out! P.s. Sacaroth is my username. I will continue this later. If the cover is a problem, I'll try to fix it. It glitched, and won't update. in the meantime for waiting for this, please read :the Tale of Sacaroth. once I'm done with that, I'll start this one.

    4 Chs 2 sưu tầm