For a moment, the only thing Dr. Murphy could hear was the sound of his own breathing, loud in the stillness of the call. Then, from the other side, a sound broke through the quiet.A harsh, sharp noiselike something heavy and metal being thrown to the ground. There was a crash, followed by the sound of footsteps, quick and purposeful, walking on a hard surface.
Urban · LazyDiablo
"Torturing people is easy. I'll cut his skin and pour some honey into his wound. I guarantee he'll suffer." Niu Kuo laughed loudly.
Eastern · Eat More Fish
why would you scrap it it was fine and the only transformers book I could find
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[When you sleep tonight your body will grow at a tremendous rate and will literally become a monster only a true monster then will be able to stop you]
TV · Darpan_Biswas
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The surface of his skin gradually began to glow with a reddish glow, causing his skin to look like hot iron.
Eastern · Heartless
Nah it must have been cut off
God tried to make him agree to something that sounded similar, but Ken didn't change his wording. Genies and lawyers were dangerous with their words; he still remembered the story about the man who asked the genie to make his private member reach the floor.
Fantasy · Railvas
the precursors must be between 1 or 2
Type 11 or maybe Type 111?
Movies · OneArmedImmortal
[A/N Say hi to Noche or else /̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ˙ ]
Movies · solibus_orba
Carter and his men pulled their chainswords from the corpse and raised their bolt rifles, unloading their magazines into the body until it was a bloody pulp.
Warhammer: Starting as a Planetary Governor
Anime & Comics · Zaelum