Aubrey_NanNan - Profile



LV 4
2020-05-27 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 11

Moments 300


a girl is having bad period today and needs Lucas 🫠


Even though Barron was part of the Grims, he had whispers of words of how the thirteenth number was as powerful as the Hawverts, the trio who were the oldest reapers of time. He was considered to be the worst reaper who picked more souls than anyone in a day. A decade ago something happened and he had gone missing. To think he had been spending with the worst of the worst death reaper ever, Barron didn't know if he had to be happy he had not been placed in a lid of the box instead of the rabbit. 

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Ash is growing well💗🥹 the "No" showed it.

"No," Mallory responded, and this had the shopkeeper panic, feeling the pureblooded vampire's eyes move from him to the human. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to Teemah_arty

snu snu time

"Aw, don't be like that, monkey. I know deep down you care for me," Hadeon stated in confidence. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


look at your Mom sweet Nelly. we love her.


"I understand your position is difficult but there are certain lines you should not cross if you want to build a good relationship with her. But if you just want to have her like the other woman then…" she shrugged. "I understand. The pressure is high. You want to protect us all. I will just ask you to challenge yourself. Is your breedmate worth fighting for? If the answer is yes, I am sure you will find ways to make things work."

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef



Malachi knew Zoila was trying something but his brain was too male to understand these female tricks. 

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


are the so similar, so similar, so twinning in everything ? i can't .... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

His face hardened. "The man who knew that happiness is gone. He died the day his brother died and his wife got burned and his daughter was taken away and God knows what she is enduring right now. And his second daughter…" he paused. "He arrived too late for her and he could not tell her that he was indeed her father."

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


three books.... in a short time? 😳🤯 🤣🤣🤣 yeah yeah Ravina, we've all been there

Ravina shut the book and threw it away. This was nonsense! Utter nonsense! She couldn't believe what she read. She was furious and bothered and baffled…

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


uh.... is Esther gonna betray her?

"My Lady, you are behaving as if you just came of age." She giggled with a hand over her mouth. "There is nothing wrong with that. Even at this age, I do feel like that sometimes. Or many times. I am weak at heart." She admitted.

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


new reader here 😁 let's see, Ravina

Ravina knew she would rather die than become a breeding stock to those beasts. She would rather die than have those creatures lay their hands on her let alone carry their offspring.

Touch of Flame

Touch of Flame

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


Ash, at this point, I believe, the monkey is gonna need a banana soon 🫢

"Aw, don't be like that, monkey. I know deep down you care for me," Hadeon stated in confidence. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


LUCAS, STANLEY, HADES : using corpse as fertilizer 🌳🍎


my garden means his seed 😆

"Furthermore, to add to my previous response, you hold a captivating beauty, Lady Mallory." After a brief pause, he went on, "I'll be staying in Reavermoure for a month and am looking forward to spending more time with you, Lady Mallory. I'll eagerly anticipate your response whenever you are ready. I hope you will tend to my garden one day."

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Lily needs to hear Vincent's wisdom 😆 : Buuuuurrrrrnnnnn 🔥


Emily's face began to heat up under Raylen's penetrating gaze, and she couldn't believe the man had the ability to affect her with a mere question. He was a master of words, she thought to herself. She neither confirmed nor denied his statement. Instead, she raised the glass to her lips and took a sip of water. 

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


spewing lies....


Rosetta rolled her eyes and cleared, "It was just a thank you note for Aunt Camille, mother. I don't know why that was even important. That is like you being upset that I walked on the street here." Her mother stared at her, and she quickly said, "I just wrote in the letter how I enjoyed my time here with her and thanked her for looking after me. Aunt Camille must have remembered something or was confused, how would I know?" She innocently asked in the end. 

Allure Of The Night

Allure Of The Night

Fantasy · ash_knight17


his lips needs something to play with, Lily LOL

"Why do you smoke so much?" Emily questioned him as the smell of the smoke invaded her senses.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17

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