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2020-05-27 đã tham gia Global
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Moments 727
2 hours ago

I just imaged the black-ops 2 zombie screams

From the looks on their faces, these Iwa-nin seemed ready to tear him apart. Akira felt a shiver run down his spine and couldn't help but curse under his breath.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

3 days ago
Replied to unknown69869

And compared to all most everyone who has ever existed, how many sages has their been, the fact he can even enter it even if with help still puts him above the vast majority of well everyone.

While all three Sannin were strong, Akira believed Jiraiya was the most destructive in combat. After all, his Sage Mode was no joke. Perhaps Jiraiya was the only one in the current ninja world who had truly mastered Sage Mode.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

7 days ago

I love the fact she is admitting to have stolen someone's item and is trying to use it in a legal battle.

"I am requesting the school to perform a deep and through investigation on digital footprints and login history of this portal on the exam day. I am not sure but, Yamauchi-kun most probably used the login credentials of an I.T. technician to get into our school's admin page, and ran this script to alter the results. It would definitely clear things up. Don't you think unauthorized entry like this is illegal in the first place? This should be enough to expel him even if Sakura-san can't come back."

I Reincarnated As Yamauchi in COTE

I Reincarnated As Yamauchi in COTE

Anime & Comics · wondering_boson_04

7 days ago

Man how many ways can this go bad ? Planting potatoes in Siberia, fishing in the Chinese sea, what next Tossed of the empire state building

If he wasn't careful, he was afraid that he would become a fish pellet in Tokyo Bay, even though he was so young and full of potential like this. 

I am that male friend in the harem story

I am that male friend in the harem story

Anime & Comics · akikan40

7 days ago

And I like that fact the people are pretty much brain dead, like now after 7 years you are starting to recognise him now. ya Ok

"Why? Why did the Third Hokage, knowing Naruto's circumstances and that he was the Fourth Hokage's son, not come forward to clear this up?"

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

7 days ago

Gotta love an endless revolution, DOWN with the BOURGEOISIE, POWER to the WORKERS.

"So what? Are you saying the Daimyo won't issue the Hokage's appointment to our clan leader? If that's really the case, then maybe it's time Fire Country found a new Daimyo!"

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

9 days ago
Replied to JokerJay75

Well he did have Ninja Jesus

He had thought he could exploit a glitch, but he had overlooked the fact that once the Death Gate was opened, it couldn't be closed unless he died.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

10 days ago

Man about to get these hands

Akira's words were like a thunderclap, leaving Guy utterly stunned.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01

12 days ago
Replied to Zenull

I was thing more a certain American senator, who played college ball

Combining all three techniques, Gensou faced the incoming wood dragon head-on, reaching out to grasp it.

I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!

I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

12 days ago

Like you of all people can talk

"So this is the legendary Body Flicker Technique of Shisui? What an annoying ability…" Tobi muttered to himself as he watched Akira's distant figure.

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Anime & Comics · Emik01