You see three eyes
The boy was still thinking about which world would be better to live in. 'The girls in Fairytale are some of the hottest, but black clover has some cute girls too'
Anime & Comics · Digital_Ink
They boil water by putting the pan out of the windows
The sun shone from the sky on the streets of Moscow, heating the asphalt almost to the boiling point. People walked lazily in the shade of houses and trees, cars flashed along the roads, stray animals tried to get into the basements of houses to find at least some cold air. It was the hottest day of the year and everyone could feel it.
Book&Literature · Simple_Russian_Boi
Chapter 67 - Mission In Bahrain
Movies · ZeroX0666
The Dao of shamelessly is strong in this one
Did she feel shameless for poaching the Straw Hat pirates potential crew member and maybe even affecting the stories flow of events?
Anime & Comics · dancematdan
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Anime & Comics · KristoPherus
There you go again
Of course, like with Momo, I made sure no one dares to even think about nabbing my dear little imouto. If they overstep their bounds they would find pictures of Mil-tan hidden all over their rooms. They stopped after that.
Anime & Comics · DJDAN
You are now my property
I said while making Italian hands.
Anime & Comics · DJDAN
Soon after I had asked Wioska to train me, and she had accepted, she proceeded to once again seal my powers because, in her words, her training required me to be at my weakest to be effective.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
Grudge Match (1)
Rubber Human in MHA
Anime & Comics · BioedwinMX