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Why so serious

2020-05-16 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 52


I never understood why Kronos just doesn't have children 😑

I open my eyes and see a giant hand grabbing me. I see a woman crying, seemingly breaking mentally and I see my Father, Kronos who just throws me into his mouth and swallows. What a prick. Why is my father swallowing me? What the f*ck is going onnn?

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH



"Anomaly number 08 was collected 2 days ago, as for the test extreme heat and cold exposure has been done and the subject has no reaction to both elements, we've also put mice to see what it would do if it made contact with a live sample, surprisingly it consumed the mice leaving no trace behind not even the teeth, after consuming various live samples we provided it went dormant approximately 16 hours and 57 minutes ago," the assistant said while entering new data into the Ipad, while Kade and his subordinate was talking, the anomaly suddenly made some movements, it seems to want to get out of the transparent box while attempting to jump to Kade's direction.

Exploring the Multiverse

Exploring the Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Ikkarus


my favorite female shifter 😍

And as I made my way back that thought stayed in my mind and kept me distracted, so distracted that I didn't notice a coyote watching me shift back into a human before changing back into my clothes and running back home. After I made it back home and showered mom ordered pizza because the refrigerator was empty and while watching her look over the bills visibly stressed I decided now would be the perfect to to tell her about the money I made.

Reborn In Teen Wolf (TV)

Reborn In Teen Wolf (TV)

TV · _DeeJay



"Please... mercy!" begged the leader, his voice trembling with fear.

Marvel: Rise of the Undead Monarch

Marvel: Rise of the Undead Monarch

Movies · Kitty_Loves_Milk


In love with it so far man, you're doing a great job and can't wait to see where this goes!!

[Ok now before we start, let's clarify a few things, in the first chapter i mentioned MC's father's family being human, if you'd actually been paying attention, you'd know I never specifically said that his father was human you all made assumptions, so not my problem, i didn't write pack, i wrote FAMILY, there's a difference, second MC loved Talia Hale like a mother since she took him in after he was orphaned, to him she is his real mother whether by blood or not, and the final part is, this is all just for fun, i'm not a serious author, i' m only writing this for entertainment, since most of the Teen Wolf fan fics are very bad and short. Mc's father's origins will be made known in later chapters]

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

TV · Mr_Fruitless


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Replied to 1934_5

I think chemical might be a bit easier to write, especially since you can look up recipes for dangerous 'substances' online lol



If you manage to incorporate both, I personally think it could be quite cool


Your interactions with your readers author are hilarious. So far so good I'm liking the direction the novel is taking and wouldn't change the first chapter! 🤙

At that point, despite it being freezing in the room, Sen even had to take his shirt off to cool himself down, which revealed the numerous tattoos he had gotten from a young tattoo artist in the Sky Box, though he had to pay for them with some of his rations.

The 100: Survivor

The 100: Survivor

TV · Kw0z


I love gambling 🤪

Author Chooses - I do what I think would be the most interesting for the story.

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck


I think it's a bit too late lol, Allison was the reason why Scott could control his shift. so without her...

Zephyr was at his home, doing his homework. Even though he knew everything that was taught he still had to write his assignments, which didn't really take much time. He was also kind of worried about Scott's disappearance. It was less about his disappearance but more about how it would affect the canon. Although he had plans to disrupt the canon, it was too early for that right now. He had to get some information and move some pieces in place before he could truly do that. 

Weretiger in Teen Wolf

Weretiger in Teen Wolf

TV · Subject876



But when it comes to family, the level of trust is much higher. (Note: Insert Dom Toretto)

Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

Anime & Comics · Baph0met

Replied to LemonZawodowiec

the amount of times I've read this is crazy...

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