

LV 14

I recently fell down the hole called reading and have yet to climbed out of it

2020-05-16 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 28

Moments 904
1 months ago

Funny thing is I think that Quinn has two modes 1. Normal Quinn mode (what we saw last chapter, he is immature and still a 17 year old) 2. Leader Quinn mode (when his family is in danger he turns off his fears, his doubt, and discomforts and will do anything to protect his people) And I think Layla hasn’t gotten used to that still thinking Quinn is only Quinn (mode 1). TLDR: she’s a bit slow.

"Is it just me, or ever since the incident with the whole vampires, he has kinda become desensitized to all of this?" Layla asked.

My Vampire System

My Vampire System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago

It’s funny how that kinda doesn’t matter as both Gary and Olivia can sniff them out easily…

“Let's get this meeting started, shall we, after all, we need to figure out who the rat in the group is!”

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago
Replied to DarkShadowBlaze

Pretty much this, I actually like this whole thing with Xin because it gives her time to shine and be beat without Gary being involved at all. It’s a pretty good thing for a secondary protagonist to be independent from the main protagonist as it will let them develop their characters on their own (Gary is pretty developed atm while Xin is heavily underdeveloped)

‘I did it, Jayden! I passed the first hurdle. It wasn't exactly the way I planned, but I still did it.’ Xin thought, as she followed the other two. While walking, though, the adult would turn around from time to time, yet she was the only one who was being stared at, making her feel as if she had done something wrong.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago
Replied to TheMrQuackers

It’s easier than you think, it’s just two simple people finding common interests and it was stated from the get go that he had romantic interest in her and she never shot that down (when she easily could). Now instead of shooting him down she actually invited him for a date.


‘Oh, I have to ask him how he’s able to avoid my slashes if he can't see them.’ Jayden noted. ‘Xin, your little boyfriend just continues to be full of surprises.’

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago


“Shoot, that wasn’t meant for your ears… well, I guess since you’re our intern, you might as well learn a bit. Besides, you’re family, so surely you would not want your old man in trouble, right? As in, don't tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.” He chuckled nervously, hitting Tom on the shoulder as if the two of them were the closest friends.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago
Replied to Shen_Chen_Yi

He has basically a buzz cut


“Wanna share what got you so panicked that you left your only son behind, Dad?” The short haired teenager smirked as he asked the question.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago

Here’s something that I’ve been thinking for a while… 1. Just tell her. 2. Half truths (I joined a small gang made by a friend, we went out and helped people yesterday, I also saw a lot of death so I’m sorry if I scared you.) I know he’s bad at lying but still…

Since it was getting late, he decided to head home. Just in time as well, as Amy entered their apartment a few minutes after him. Gary welcomed her back and tried his best to act normal. Stating that he had a falling out with one of his friends the other day.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago

So maybe Gary is gonna turn them into a beast weapon maybe?


‘That's right, the bones!’ Gary remembered.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago
Replied to LoneSavage

To someone that probably already knows the answer and me just guessing but I would imagin that any newly turned werewolf can’t actually transform until their first full moon. Only point of reference is fary himself as he didn’t transform untill his.

‘I'm really starting to like this feeling.’ She smiled, getting her whip ready for more action.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

8 months ago
Replied to Veritas_

I mean a bunch of kid monsters or a giant guy with a scarf and wig on that’s helping you survive the former. Which one would you care what they looked like? The answer neither because survival is more important.

After all, a superstar like him getting involved like this would be big news, which he would rather avoid. Eventually, he pulled out a scarf and a wig that was inside for some of his photoshoots that he would take.

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga