just do it
That was also over ten-thousand Evolution Points!
Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
"But if this is really a fantasy world, why don't I have an enchanted weapon like the Mjolnir?"
Fantasy · GREAT
As someone who scuba dives, you can totally feel it. Under 30 feet it's double the force of gravity and it only gets worse the deeper you go
He felt like pissing his pants immediately when his eyes finally saw light. He was inside water, and not a swimming pool, he was freaking under either a sea or an ocean by the density of the water.
Fantasy · GREAT
Love the enthusiasm
"So, where's the shark? You know I love sharks, unveil the beast!"
Fantasy · GREAT
They can just say Australia ok. No need to use complex words
[Welcome to Oceania!]
Fantasy · GREAT
Thank god he actually is someone who should have a ridiculous amount of knowledge in the field he'd be transported into.
[Due to your innovative discoveries and experiments that made you the most ingenious young anatomist on earth, the 7 great seas had mercy on you and you have been reborn into another world.]
Fantasy · GREAT
well, he's 10,000 of a kind
Sighing and leaning further back, he closed his eyes, recalling. It was strange; though he passed the puzzles, if he had actually known the difficulty beforehand... he would have probably skipped them. Far more dangerous than him harming his body was the self-validation, a ginormous ego boost he'd gotten from it. He was in the top strata. Among the best, the most talented, the one-of-a-kind genius club. That's not the sort of mantle that people shed easily. Just how many lives were inadvertently screwed because, as children, people were praised as one-of-a-kind geniuses only to learn immediately after entering college that they were actually fairly average? Millions? Tens of millions?
Fantasy · theReamedOne
five to one odds for an 8 team competitions should be one of the favorites, definitely not the dark horse candidate.
"Now now, why don't we level the field a little? This is today's multiplier based on the statistical odds of each family winning, and the values you have bet to each of them!" With his words, a large red number appeared to the side of the value. This multiplier was how much they would win in case the family in question were to win. As a matter of fact, all the multipliers were extremely small, having numbers close to 1, but two families were different. Those were the families which had the smallest of bets. The Hyu family had a multiplier of 2.8, Meaning that if they were to win, all bets on them would win 280% of their money. But the Khan family... Their multiplier was 5.
Fantasy · Zhanye
lets goooo
very cool way to tell a story. Original and well done. Gives the information we need and personifies the characters interacted with without spending too much time on the chapter
Return of the Tower Conqueror
Fantasy · theReamedOne