You won Dio Brando's Fashion Sense!
Anime & Comics · GravityWrites
im dropping this garbonzo lol
Well, I didn't get a new ability, but I got skill, ranging from riding bicycles, to 6 different languages, to playing guitar and piano, an ability to play basketball and football better. There were some for kissing, and pleasuring women, and some for playing games, one skill was for playing good in volerant, another for job skills like coding, designing. So it was a wide range and an easy way to gain a skill.
Movies · Yasar_Azimi
badly written, I'm dropping, goodbye.
i would just end up killing myself within the first 10 minutes if it just makes everything in your mind come true
"If I'm going to stay here, I need to adapt quickly," he thought. He decided to keep his Visionary ability a secret, knowing that revealing it could attract unwanted attention. He also realized that he needed to find food, shelter, and information about the world. Determined, he continued his journey, following the footprints he had found on the ground. He knew that, as frightening as it was, this new world offered endless possibilities. And for the first time in years, he felt a glimmer of hope.
Anime & Comics · MARQUESSTV
aizen is definitely strong but idk if hes top 5 without the hogyoku in terms of quantity of reiatsu.
While Vasto Lordes were said to surpass the average captain-level Shinigami, there were certain beings whose spiritual power went far beyond that—monsters like Genryūsai Yamamoto, Sōsuke Aizen… and now, this presence.
Anime & Comics · Shirokendama
(Hey guys! Have you watched the 'From' series yet?)
Anime & Comics · Kazuma_trash
Aura +1000, i love it so much when mcs aura farm
The impact crashed into his hand like a hammer against steel. The force didn't budge him an inch, but the energy transferred through his body, down his legs, and into the ground, spiderweb cracks radiating outward from where he stood.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
i just want a berserker MC so badly
Even after wandering the lower upper floors, he hadn't been attacked once. The imps had scattered like frightened rats, and the orcs refused to even meet his gaze, they just… left. He almost felt... emo.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
nah screw that just punch everything
'What to do now…' He had done all he needed to be done, so… 'I guess I can use this chance to learn to read.' The library was nearby so he could go there and teach himself. It shouldn't be that hard.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
Sick and throwing up 👍
Leaning forward, Rex dashed towards the enraged dragon, his mind and body moving as one. Subconsciously, he drew upon every ounce of his strength, every technique he had taught himself, every scrap of experience from his past. His Scavenger skill judged every thought and action, guiding him as he fought to survive. All the pieces of him—his instincts, his training, his skill, his will to live—merged into a single, focused effort to kill the dragon.
Danmachi: Scavenger
Anime & Comics · Emerging