

male LV 3

I love monster mc fics. add no romance in that and im sold.

2020-05-10 đã tham gia United Kingdom
Huy hiệu 8

Moments 120
1 years ago

Ok, this is my review up until chapter 190, which is about in the middle of the second volume. Please keep that in mind when reading this review. Ok, the first time I read this novel I dropped it at chapter 27. The writing wasn't the best, the story, the dialogue and even the characters were just not my cup of tea. The quality just wasn't good. Then I was told to give it another shot and by chapter 13 I was already ready to quit again. However, I continued and as I continued the volume started to get better, and things were getting more fleshed out. You can see that by the end of volume 1 while it wasn't a masterpiece the novel was becoming something worth reading. Volume 2 was also good! The Mc until where I was, had started to act smarter, focused on things that I had been screaming at him to do and the world was looking pretty good. That is until the whole thing with his spell came into being. Spoiler Alert btw but he has a spell that can heal using soul fire. This is pretty nice and the author makes the point to add that emotions are used to stabilise the spell models in his mind. Love and care in this case are tied to soul heal. This isn't bad, makes some ok sense and even adds a lil depth to the power system. What makes this bad though is what comes next. Our Mc has a dilemma about how he just doesn't have enough memories and experiences with showing care and emotion and the artefact gives him the idea to use a side character (who wants to lock him up and arrest him) as someone to fall in love with. He will give his second consciousness the task of loving and caring about this character. Now forget about the fact this is a stupid idea, also forget the fact that loving someone is a huge weakness for someone who is being targeted by multiple big bads. What makes this stupid in my eyes is that he has other options, he can focus that care and love on his dead mother, his grandfather, he can focus it on the kids he is taking care of, and he can make a second consciousness to love and care about him. Why go for someone who isn't even on your side?He ends up saying he will think about it and finds out that this plan will work but will cause him to deal with the pain forever, not to mention learns that one of the bigger bads will probably take advantage of his new weakness to this girl. Then just decided that it's okay and does it anyway. Now im just sitting here thinking if I should drop it again. I'm not a huge fan of romance but this whole situation rubs me the wrong way. Is it fan service? Just an idea that in my opinion is pretty bad? I'm not sure.If the author or anyone who has read further than me sees this please let me know what this whole business is about and how long it lasts. This way ill know if I should just skip through and hope I don't regret it or if I should just drop the novel.

1 years ago
Replied to Daoist_Rubeno

Yup like he can make Oswald a real consciousness to love and care for the kids. I mean it never said you have to have romantic love, familial love and even the love a teacher has for their students could count.

1 years ago
Replied to Sero_Hanta

Hmm still don't know why he's doing this in a dangerous place. The immortal is still there and so is the rampaging sinner. Then again though he wouldn't be safe doing this in the city since they have sensors for that. Also, is that why sinners end up rampaging, they just don't have enough qi which means that they lose control. If they are connected to their bodies it might make things worse since it being connected to their bodies makes the corruption faster.

1 years ago

Hmm, so he was an immortal before or at least the disciple of one. Interesting! So the immortals believe that relics are simply weapon spirits or maybe the sinners are the weapon spirits instead.

1 years ago

Please no romance 🥲

That is me desiring to play out a romantic story with you and the world."

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Fantasy · YatogamiSakuya

1 years ago

I hope they actually don't get together and just stay friends. Romance would ruin this story ngl

[You two being together would look rather amusing. Ah re-]

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Fantasy · YatogamiSakuya

1 years ago

So did he boost his relic? Maybe he didn't even have an attached relic at first but after upgrading it the relic mutated

Its main ability seems to be to transform whatever object that he touches into a more advanced form of it—along with restoring the same object back into its optimal state.

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Fantasy · YatogamiSakuya

1 years ago

What's special about the shoe?

The first is a honeycomb patterned piece of fabric and the second is a piece of the shoe worn by one of the five assassins that tried to kill him after drawing his ballot.

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Fantasy · YatogamiSakuya

1 years ago

Hmm seems like he could be some blend of sinner and immortal. Very interesting and love that he is keeping that snake theme for now.

1 years ago

?? No intro for now?

Slapping Ye Chen on the back of his head, Li Xue moves the conversation along by introducing her and Ye Chen's Relics—along with some things to look out for when dealing with both rogue Sinners and Immortals.

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Fantasy · YatogamiSakuya