Baited me man
enkidu strong but swamp thing fits the theme at the moment
1 swamp thing (Dc)
Anime & Comics · MrChopra
good stuff bro this shit fire
just rewrite from survival test just don't go one piece
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realistically the most gentle in a way and easiest to learn as a child. lest physically draining
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Anime & Comics · Charizard6
good stuff looking forward to the next
you should give him the power of that one guy in dxd with the buble longinus
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man where the jaw drop noment everyone was supposed to have
how dare you say no gengar
"Psychic is a no-brainer for me. If I catch an Abra, it'll probably become a top-tier Alakazam, given my abilities. Ghost types, especially Gengar's line, don't sit well with me. As for Dark types, the options that interest me in Indigo are Umbreon, Tyranitar, Murkrow, and Houndour."
Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)
Book&Literature · Basso2142