(Ali's clothes image:)
Anime & Comics · That_One_Dead_Ali
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is this deleted
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I enjoyed the story so far initially I didn't like how everything was panning out but as i kept reading it got much better I'm excited to see where this is heading
"And I hate sand," Ento turned his head to look at Vaylin with a half smile across his lips.
Movies · ZGearCecil
doesn't that seem cheap?
The cost of five hundred credits per kilogram, which I told him, and moreover, if they were in charge of the development and mining, was not in their favor, but not everything can have three hundred percent profit.
Movies · Bandileros
Enjoyable read although grammatical errors are present I enjoy the premise of the story
said Tracey
"Don't blame him Malfoy, it was your fault what happened to Millicent" was Tracey.
Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard
Book&Literature · Emanuel_Alegre