1. Asta Kingdottir (Freyja's child)
Anime & Comics · Hancock_Sama
No, just hiatus let’s say. I am very busy rn
I will man, I never drop a novel. I might take time but I will try to finish it eventually.
It his Best Friend. You wouldn’t want your best Friend to be killed because you were too selfish to help
Not related by blood at all
He doesn't lie. So it would be bad to lie to the populace about his affair with Elaine and Incest isn't much of a deal in Alfheim when Royal families and Nobles practice it all the time to keep bloodline pure.
Anime & Comics · Hancock_Sama
Ok, I will edit it
What happened
Idk seriously, everything depends on how the story progresses. Could 220 by the looks of it.
Author is too busy, sorry. I wanna write but can’t get the time
My friend, if you don’t like it then that’s fine but please be polite about it. Have I done anything to you to warrant such a response. The whole novel cannot just be story story story. This is just showcasing that he has been involved in other mythologies that are in Marvel as well. Not just following a set routine.
In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)
Anime & Comics · Hancock_Sama