Webnovel Author: absurdmorbidity - Fanfic Collection



male LV 2
2020-04-03 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 2

Moments 24

Replied to JoSauer

Nope. Mihawk is shown to be an amazing swordsman with excellent and perfect control over his skills. This is proven when he didn't kill Zoro when he slashed Zoro with his 'full strength'. No way Mihawk doesn't slash Zoro, Baratie, the sky, and the ocean in half if he uses his full strength. So, either Mihawk was holding back at the time with expert precision, or the dude got immensely stronger in just a few months. Strong enough to slice the frozen tidal waves around Marineford.

Despite how lighthearted or cocky his words sounded, he was still a little wary of fighting against Mihawk. Especially after he looked at Mihawk's status and saw that his level had jumped to over two hundred. He had no idea how that was possible. Maybe Mihawk could control his strength to such a degree that it could fool his system? Or did he gain over one hundred levels worth of strength over the last few months? Well, it didn't matter which it was. It just meant Mihawk was serious and seriously strong.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

Replied to prince_awesome

Yup, total hypocrisy, but that's legit how it is.

Luffy finally got fed up with Ace running his mouth and shouted back, "I AM YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE RULES OF PIRATES!!"

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

Replied to Sith_Lord_P_Sheevy

I was unaware of that. I just had it stop him because it was infused with Haki. Science is so awesome.

Tens of thousands of Marines fell as the Admirals were unable to do anything to stop it. Kizaru was by far the most confused out of the three of them. His body had been stopped by the net and that should have been impossible! He didn't have much time to think about it before a powerful force ejected his body from the net and sent him crashing violently into the buildings behind him. Akainu's rage grew to extremes as he watched his own magma fists repelled by the barrier and crashing down into the marines. Aokiji's attack was the lighter of the two but it too caused damage to the Marines as they were reflected, to great effect.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

Replied to greed24

True enough. From about 250 meters away (rough guess) they would only have 0.029 seconds to react to something moving 8500 meters per second. If I did my math right.

At the same moment that the cannonball struck Kuma, the bullet found it's intended victim, Mingo. No matter how advanced one's Observation Haki was if they couldn't see the future there was simply no way to dodge the shot fired by Markus. No matter how little time it took for their brain to register the threat, it still took time. It then took even more time to formulate a counter. Lastly, it took time to initiate that counter, whatever it might be. The microseconds from the moment Markus fired to the moment the bullet arrived in front of Mingo was simply far too little time for anyone to react. Not even Markus could react to it, in his base state.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

Replied to Horatio_Prout

Exactly! When has Markus EVER talked like that before?

His words caused an uproar among the Marines. Markus could practically hear Sengoku grinding his teeth in annoyance. Markus wasn't finished though, "But, out of the kindness of my heart, I'm going to give you two choices. First, release Ace unharmed before kneeling down and begging for forgiveness from Whitebeard and Ace for daring to touch him."

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

Replied to TheMainPlagiaris

I deliberately went with Pussyfoot because it was funnier. I prefer sub anime myself so I could have gone with the proper name, but screw that. It's more fun writing 'unmentionable footwork' to me!

Once he was ready, Markus immediately activated two skills he needed to focus on training right now, Lightning Armor and Raiju. Technically, Raiju didn't have any levels to it. Instead, using Raiju gave the two skills that made it up, Pussyfoot Maneuver and Lightning Speed, experience. Pussyfoot Maneuver was nearly to level 100 and his Lightning Speed was currently level 2. That gave him a base speed of 1,222 miles per second, add in the +930% movement speed bonus from his footwork and it became a monstrous 12,586 miles per second. For reference, the entire circumference of Earth was just under 25,000 miles. With that speed, he could travel around the entirety of Earth in two seconds.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

Replied to Aklyf

In Canon, that's true. Because of Camie getting kidnapped, the entire crew went to Grove 1 and the auction house. While inside, the world Government dropped flyers about Ace's execution, so they missed it and got caught up in the battles afterward. Since Luffy and everyone else was outside (this timeline), they would have seen the flyers. Meaning, Luffy found out sooner. Butterfly effect!

After speaking, Rayleigh vanished from visible sight and moved quickly across the island. Markus looked in the direction he was moving and smiled. Rayleigh might be in his sixties and possibly not as strong as he was in his prime but he was definitely a powerhouse still. Markus focused and found the tags he'd placed on his friends. They were still split into two groups and crowded around each other. He could hear Luffy shouting about needing to go save Ace.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity


Good question. I guess I would have to say he would get both. Of course, the requirement would be beating Blackbead and knocking him unconscious, after he had both powers.

Markus quickly arrived at the auction house and entered inside without any issues. He was easily recognized and no one working there would dare to try and block his path. Of course, it helped that he was radiating an aura that threatened to kill anyone who opposed him. As he walked inside, he drew the attention of a few people. Most notably Law and Kid, two captains among the Supernovas. The two men looked at him with interest but didn't approach him or even attempt to speak to him.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

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