Madman hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt. Then, as if to comfort her, he patted her on the shoulder. "Aw, don't cry. Got anything else to share, big sister?"
Games · SJean_Lee
😂😂😂😂 opportunities never wasted
After several failed attempts, Madman grew frustrated. "Come on, big sister, just give it up already! I'm just doing my job here! And, uh… might I say, this waist, these thighs… oh, and this perfectly toned rear—wow!"
Games · SJean_Lee
Flame Fosset was beyond furious, his blood pressure skyrocketing, as he futilely tried to manage the situation while villagers cursed him out.
Games · SJean_Lee
As she stormed off, Orson leaned against the doorframe and muttered, "Geez, just admit you need more training. It's not a big deal."
Games · SJean_Lee
Bradley had noticed that his trial NPC, Glacier, was a notorious alcoholic. When all else failed, Bradley bought a wagon of strong liquor for 10 gold and offered it to him.
Games · SJean_Lee
Noooo don’t say that 😂😂😂😂
Orson's mouth twitched. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he said, "With a sword that short, let's keep it sheathed for now."
Games · SJean_Lee
😂😂😂 wtf
Smacking Bradley on the head for a critical -99, Orson nearly sent him back to the respawn point.
Games · SJean_Lee
This type of gas lighting …🥹🥹🥹
😂😂😂😂😂 that’s so wrong
His expression darkened. "The chaos outside the city, the innocent lives lost—it's all because of Dragon's Kiss Guild and their heinous deeds."
Games · SJean_Lee
"How many times did you pickpocket her? Did you have to fleece her this hard?" Orson asked, exasperated.
Infinite Range: The Sniper Mage
Games · SJean_Lee