

LV 4
2020-04-01 đã tham gia Canada
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4 months ago

I shall be honest I have reread this story at least 5 times now. It is most definitely one of the best Warhammer 30K books I have been able to find. Go crazy man you are doing a spectacular job. You have worked the lore wonderfully, I am looking forward to how to change the heresy. You have left many hints. It would be awesome to see the what you come up with. I personally am really glad to have taken up the chance to write and given us this gem of a story keep it up and all the best.

10 months ago

To be honest those changes sound great and will greatly help with the story and how it flows. You can always try and make it so that there is almost a love triangle moment, with Izumi unsure about it all. character development? In the end no matter what is decided, make the changes you wouldn’t regret. This is your story your interpretation of the MC in a unique situation, this is about your enjoyment writing his story as it is about us reading his story. Have a great no matter your decision. Do your best to enjoy where this takes you. Have a good one!

Sách này đã bị xóa
11 months ago

I think it’s a rather good idea, while it does nerf him in the short term, item like that greatly slow narrative and break immersion. It was honestly a good way to get rid of such an item along with introduce a new concept or power which he can focus towards. He can always create a similar item push come to shove, maybe not a colt but he now has pieces of the garden. He can make an items that helps to contend with the two champions. Such as a piece of jewelry that enhances certain spells or the like. Anyways looking good my guy keep it up. I’m greatly enjoying your story. One of the better Harry Potter Fanfic rn. Look forward to more.

1 years ago

Not sure if you meant 5 level 3 buildings or not, if so he will be here for a while

2 years ago

Is the zephy from the movie Night and Day? Along with its inventor?

2 years ago

The only thing I kind of have a concern with is the blueprint, the reason being is he himself is a god(just a very long aged being that can wield magic), in marvel their really are no gods there are only aspects of certain elements such as chaos. Even dormamu(no idea if that’s how it is spelt) is just a very powerful being that has to bestow his power on another being. So when he gets a blueprint that is meant just for him it’s quite odd, it does not really make sense from the marvel universe. Are you trying to say, the gods from his original world are watching kind of like a game show? If you are not he could realize that he simply is not trained enough like the reality shock he is currently going through and realize he is nowhere near skilled enough to utilize hos full power and original weapon so he has to go through different styles such as a brawler before he can get back to his original weapon? If you have a way of explaining it go ahead, I will continue to read. Have a great day and keep writing my friend!

2 years ago

I’m good with it for the most part the only problem for me would be the mystical aspect of the story. Just in the sense that gods have been brought into the story along with the mention of other ”realms”. I guess it boils down to TWD is a scientific world that can explain the cause for the apocalypse at least. Not entirely sure how goes giving blessing can be explained. If you are to remove gods blessing you can simply say that he is more in tune and has animalistic sense which is why he can detect intent and malicious auras. Or even his sense are limited to the area he has marked like most animals do. I will still read it as it’s good so far, was just an odd jump. But if you can explain it and make the story work good stuff, I’ll still be around.

2 years ago

I will be quite honest for those who are checking reviews. This is a great read, as much as it may seem like sections are odd they work great together and even develops the world better. I read all 60 ish chapters today and it was great. The characters actually felt like characters and not stereotypes with new skins. As much as the author is adding different universes they actually work together so far and don’t directly contradict anything yet. This is a well put together and thought out story especially with the amount of detail the author goes into explains how these different universes exist within one another. Keep up the great stuff author, and keep drifting. For those who complain about the mcu being included and complaining about everything their actually hasn’t been much developement besides knowing that Natasha is young the red room is gone (or at least stopped), and that shield has no idea about any mystical universe besides maybe some artifacts and stories. Which makes sense because one thing that has been repeated with every new universe is that they are HIDDEN. To go along with that all versions of each universe such as DxD are more realistic as much as you may hate it. The world is very cut throat and this story has a great way of showing it.

  • Solo Techie in NC original

    Solo Techie in NC

    Anime & Comics

    With his clan ripped apart and scattered into the wind. Alex finds himself in Night City with nowhere to go, with options dwindling how with he survives in this dangerous world? With nothing but his van and the skills, he developed in his clan. Please contact me if any of the pictures or art included are yours and I will take them down. Thank you I do not own anything besides MC and other characters that are added in.

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