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Moments 1440
1 days ago
Replied to Daoistnhsnru

I was comparing it to a bee being chosen to be queen she won against all her sisters and she was the one chosen 2 become queen.

"You care for the lives of all our daughters even if they won't be a part of this hive? Well… I'm not against your suggestion. With your 'genes', I'm sure the new Queen will emerge strong. A single Queen will take fewer resources to raise, too."

Reincarnated To Evolve My Bee Empire

Reincarnated To Evolve My Bee Empire

Fantasy · Garessta

5 days ago

don't lie. the only good part of school for me was the creative writing essays and when we weren't learning.

Caught off guard, Boyd shrugged. "School's not that bad…" 

Teen Wolf: Alpha Reborn

Teen Wolf: Alpha Reborn

TV · Ayoub_AMZ

6 days ago

my mom even wrote a letter when she became pregnant with me, u know jst incase she didn't make it. She also told my dad to pick me if he had to choose between the 2 of us. luckily the letter wasn't needed. But I will say it's always a good idea for a woman to write a letter or something to her kid incase she doesn't make it.

"There were some complications at birth and the doctors were only able to save one of them. It was the last choice she made."

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

6 days ago

some ppl wish there parents had jst dropped them off with there grand parents

"Other then that there isn't really a lot to tell, it's just been me and him since….well the beginning. Us two against the world, let me tell you it was tough at first. I had been left with him and it took a bit to get use to being a father. I wanted to raise him different than I was, you know? I didn't want him to turn out like me so I took up every childcare book I could and asked for advice from some of my buddies at the time's spouses. I know it would've been easier to just give him up to his grandparents...but I wouldn't abandon him like that. That kind of stuff turns people into monsters, you know? It breaks them in a way that only long, grueling and expensive therapy to remedy something like that. I don't want to him be like that freak jumping around the bat costume. I tell you, that man's unresolved trauma would surely be enough to tower over the Wayne's Tower."

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

6 days ago

so 7, 5 and 8

"Is this some sort of interview or something?" Florence snorted, a rather nauseating action given how far his nose was nestled in that mug. "But fine, I'll bite. My name is Florence Tanners, thirty-two years old and I have a bachelor degree in history and culture… You can see how much use that degree is granting me. When I'm not working, I'm with my son. Rodney's eight, kind of a handful at times but still a good kid nonetheless. Got a smile just as bright as his mind, I tell you he's real smart. Like being able to skip grades kind of smart. But that'll only make him a target in a city like this, it likes to stop down on any beams of light. It wouldn't take a week for some snot nosed brat to be jealous of a child of all people and then I would be in jail for punting some brat across the room like I was aiming for a field goal."

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

6 days ago

when I was around that age or younger u heard kids were supposed to have nightmares. So I tried I tried really hard to have a nightmare but throughout my childhood I never succeeded.

"Let me start with some short introductions, my name is Florence Tanners and I take care of my seven year old son, Rodney. It's just been the two of us since…. Well forever really. That's enough background. Well anyway, I should start off to say there's nothing wrong with my son. Sure he might still have the occasional nightmare but that's normal for someone his age and I know for damn sure he isn't a liar. I didn't raise him to be one. So with that said, I'll actually get to the point."

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

7 days ago

I think superman will generally be the hero to get u hooked personally that's how it was 4 me (although i still dont get how he told Lois his greatest weaknessin an interview in that 1st movie). I haven't read much comics but based on the movies and cartoons I was very much into superman even tho I watched batman movies and cartoons but then when I saw batman begins it was so good that I jumped ship

There was no way Albert was going to touch that particular statement with a ten foot pole. If people were literally willing to come to blows over which superhero was better in his old world, he could only imagine how bloody things were to get in this one over such a simple comparison. So instead of inserting his one bit of chaos, the teen only grinned stiffly. Honestly, he didn't care either way. As a kid, he had been obsessed with Superman but slowly transitioned over to Batman during his angsty teenage years before ultimately evening out to an uncaring lump. As by that point, Injustice had already come and gone, forever tarnishing the pristine picture of the Man of Steel.

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

7 days ago

I've always preferred batman, I like superman but his too much of a boy scout for me with not enough depth.

"B-but," Steve shook off his rather morose feelings like a cloak. A genuine smile splitting his lips as he continued. "I d-didn't come to here to c-complain about Metropolis, a-after all we have our own g-guardian here too. And in my o-opinion, Batmans a lot cooler t-than Superman."

This DCverse is Maddening

This DCverse is Maddening

Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor

7 days ago
Replied to Ayoub_AMZ

might have missed it, bt it's still suspicious since ppl know his hurt and he wud still need to go 4 a checkup. although I guess he can injure himself before the checkup. If he does go for one.

Stiles finally noticed him and remembered that he was in his dad's room. After they got back from the hospital yesterday, he had wanted to make sure his dad was okay after getting the bite, so he stayed next to his bed. "Dad, how are you feeling? Are your injuries healed?" 

Teen Wolf: Alpha Reborn

Teen Wolf: Alpha Reborn

TV · Ayoub_AMZ

7 days ago

y do ppl have to turn every name into a nick name. it's like my name it has 5 letters bt apparently my gramps is either trying to be affectionate or lazy and calls me by only 4 letters.

"Come here, my little At!" Anastasia's excited voice called.

Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Fantasy · RealmWeaver