Thank you Mrs B... I'll definitely do that. Thanks
Dear Author, Trust you are well? We haven't read any new chapters in a while. Kindly drop an update. Thank you
Gio is my favourite guy
Is it her hormones or why is Van not giving them a piece of her mind? I missed that audacious Van.
Finally... Glad Nina had this conversation ... She needed to let it all out.
Thank you for the update
I totally agree... It's really time they both have the discussion regardless of whatever they think might happen to them Honestly is still the best policy in a relationship
Funny chapter... Thanks Author
Pregnancy makes you super horny... I can't wait for Van to go to Alex and they make love.... Oh dear Author make it happen fast... I want Alex to find out he was her first and piece her pregnancy mystery together... Just an idea
Dear Da Rose, How is your health? Speedy recovery
Temptations Of Love
Thành phố · Da_Rose