Horror for claire Closets for Jay or sports
At the far end of the table, Mathew savored the dinner Claire had prepared, his mind buzzing with thoughts. How can I make a lasting impression on Claire and Phil? He pondered, taking a sip of water. What do I know about Claire? She's strong-willed, and she has some unresolved issues with her father. But how can I turn that to my advantage?
TV · TikTak012
[Your Boxing Skill has improved by 1 point!]
TV · TikTak012
Those at the recreational center watched Mathew run with surprising speed. However, upon seeing his excited and determined expression, Mathew's fellow early-morning joggers pushed themselves to move a little faster.
TV · TikTak012
Here is a Capibara
The snake flexed backwards as its power fled into Xavier, the man opening his eyes as his psychic power flared into the sun once again.
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
Just wanted to let you guys know
Anime & Comics · DarkHelixDragoon24
Dealing with the constant gaze from female customers, trying his best to reject their advances politely, and juggling between all his responsibilities all at once. He was physically fine, given his [Divine Physique], but he was quite mentally exhausted.
Anime & Comics · EclypseX
If you read carefully the defender in Andrews team tackled the runner of the opposing team
"Stop right there, you bastard!" yelled his team's defensive leader, who launched himself at the rival runner, tackling him to the ground and pinning him there.
TV · Nathe07
again till it becomes memory
"Stop right there, you bastard!" yelled his team's defensive leader, who launched himself at the rival runner, tackling him to the ground and pinning him there.
TV · Nathe07
Lucy's expression softened. "Honey… not everyone will fear you. Look at your dad and me." She cupped his cheek gently. "Besides, you could be seen as a hero. Like the Avengers. Or the Fantastic Four."
Anime & Comics · Gilgamesh9669
Go my boy, become a boxer. When Iron Mike loses to Jake Paul, make the same promise iron Mike made to Ali
"A pro boxer? I don't know. I've never thought about going pro. I mostly box because it's great exercise... and it helped knowing how to fight back home." Mathew said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Besides, it's not easy becoming a pro. Boxing can be a pretty demanding sport."
Living Next Door to the Dunphys (Modern Family)
TV · TikTak012