Probably end of the novel. This chapter sounds so ending. Or will the story continue and we see how he forges the empire, unites the galaxy an so on?
A.N: Liked the idea of some historical records, premonitions of what is to come from a third party that wasn't there and only knows the vague outline and indoctrinated truth. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. I certainly did :)
Movies · Phantom17
Why? Giving money is one thing, but shares who produce money still in 100 years. A stupid move.
The von Zehntner family had become a household name within the German Reich, and Bruno had even rewarded several of his family members with shares in many of his corporations.
War · Zentmeister
Now it gets interesting.
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It will be interesting if the war starts with the cause to protect his child.
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But it can xD
With this agreement being made among Belgium's general staff, the King sighed once more while he put out his cigarette and picked up a nearby phone, calling the man who would either be Belgium's savior, or its future tyrant…
War · Zentmeister
Hopefully the future savior and ruler.
With this agreement being made among Belgium's general staff, the King sighed once more while he put out his cigarette and picked up a nearby phone, calling the man who would either be Belgium's savior, or its future tyrant…
War · Zentmeister
At least, she would still be a monarch, even if under the kaiser. 10000 times better than be ousted and becoming part of a republic.
Naturally, none of the German soldiers were going to tell the woman that she had more or less just been tricked into giving up her sovereignty to the Kaiser, but discussions for official annexation could wait until the war was over.
War · Zentmeister
Leon didn't realize it, nor did the leadership of the French Republic, but in their desperation for some form of victory against the Germans, one which was reliant on faulty intelligence, they were about to drive the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg into the hands of the German Reich.
War · Zentmeister
Wow, the date of an empire comes closer.
Other races in Warhammer 40k have different ways to travel space. I think the emperor first wanted to use the webway, for that was the astronomicon original conatructed, to get away from the warp as faster then light travel. So maybe he should not try to emulate the worst travel option possible.
If he couldn't act as a beacon, how could the navigators move in the Warp, a place that had absolutely no sense of direction or even the concepts of high and low?
Game Of Thrones: The God-Emperor of Planetos
TV · TheGreatPrince