Robert_Larrieux - Profile


LV 14
2020-01-19 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 11

Moments 10

Replied to Syphiinz

Bro it been four months since you edited chap 1-10 and the reference chap where you at my man talk to me talk to us we been waiting for you for a while now my boi

"Something else? Uh… Well. Oh, right! I communicated with a bunch of gods, even though they were all dead. I made one of them wake up. He gave me a blessing! I was blessed by a god, do you all understand?!"

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

Replied to Awespec

Do you plan to make a comic?

[WE'VE MADE IT BOYS (AND GALS IF THERE ARE ANY OF YOU LURKING), FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER OF GAB AFTER WHAT FEELS LIKE FOREVER! The reason chapters have been slow is because I've had to re-read GAB from start to finish because it's been so long since I've written Ryu and Ailsa, lmao. Anyhoo, I have a lot of exciting stuff planned. This is where the main plot of GAB finally kicks in!]

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Action · Awespec


Listen here mister Author i need more ok i need to know wht happens to Elijah and Sarai i need to See how he becomes king and even tho Wolves are my favorite animal i want to see him CLAP Xander😤😤

Chương này đã bị xóa
The Beasts of Men

The Beasts of Men

Fantasy · A_lucid_Dreamer

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