
male LV 5

Ended here to follow the painfully realistic life of Dereck McCoy

2020-01-06 đã tham gia France
Huy hiệu 5

Moments 6
11 months ago

That's rare but "baby's" is pronounced like "babies" so while Kalla correction makes sense based on typo it doesn't necessary work in an oral conversation. But then again she is working her Lich brain so who knows what happened there 😄

3 years ago
Replied to scarlett1414

an we got to see how common folks percieves magic and how hard it is to train by yourself! Most enjoyable!

3 years ago

I hope that legion has fully recovered !

4 years ago

I agree with everything stated in the top 3 comments but I'd like to add my own thoughts here: along with many other things I specifically love the whole science behind Magic. The entirety of the World is built upon rules and laws properly explained. Everything makes sense and there is no Deus Ex Machina or plot armor. We learn what the MC learns and understand (globally) what the MC understands. I love "hard worldbuilding" like that and this character development is the best I've found so far. I would gladly buy a paper version of the whole Book to own! Thanks for the piece of art Legion!

4 years ago

i have a hard time considering the use of a sound decoy spell (using their footsteps) as something other than a blunder. I mean they have so much means to gather intel from afar with the element of surprise, imo they should have cast hush spell all along to move silently, prevent random ambushes and be able to hear ennemies first.

4 years ago

When Lith said that he would be dead by now if he had the Strangler, I remembered that the newborn he was reincarnated in was dead in the first place. What if he has the Strangler on his X chromosome but the reincarnation and/or awakening negated the effects of the disease. He could still spread it to his daughters -even tho I highly doubt he'll ever have children- through said chromosome. Is there anything directly refuting this theory so far?

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