No more love interests, just Hope
TV · ArtoriaPendragon_
she's becoming good at death by snu snu.
Skills: Pregnancy Acceleration(D), Sexual Domination(D), Sexual Skill Copying(D), Pregnancy Skill Conference(EX), Killing Sex(D), Stealth Steps(D), Tracking(D), Womb Crest(D), Fertilized Egg Storing(D), Pregnancy Control(D), Flame Magic(D), Hand-to-Hand Fighting Talent(D), Heavy Fist(D), Heavy Kick(D), Thigh Crush(D), Suffocation by Boobs(D)
Fantasy · GoldDragonMachina
See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair
Boom, boom, boom
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Anime & Comics · BravoBuds
put them in a boat
...I can't stop singing this bloody tune, tune, tune...
Fantasy · PancakesWitch
no harem
-No Harem (Vote here)
Movies · AlienWarlord
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
-n, steal in our bones. To dig and dig makes us free. Come on brother sing with me. I am a dwarf and i'm digging a hole, diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole I am a dwarf and i'm digging a hole, diggy, diggy hole, digging a hole,...
'Born underground, suckled from a teat of stone, raised in the dark, the safety of our mountain home, skin made of iro-OH! Oh ho, a challenger appears! Finally!' Crookshanks was pulled out of his absent minded humming (which just came out as a series of strange low screeching noises that didn't sound anything like a song) by the hiss of another cat coming from an alleyway.
Book&Literature · Brutality
Danmachi: The Black Hole
Anime & Comics · Develish_Beta