
male LV 10
2019-12-22 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 268
8 days ago

I know Uzumaki are talented in fuinjutsu , but four symbols seal is an S Rank seal , you sure about that ?

One of my proudest achievements was mastering the basics of the Four Symbols Seal (Shishō Fūin). I started with simple scrolls, sealing and unsealing small objects like kunai and shuriken. As my proficiency grew, I experimented with sealing larger items and even trying out explosive tags in a controlled environment. Each success boosted my confidence and understanding of the delicate balance required in fuinjutsu.

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

Anime & Comics · ThirdFireTrident

11 days ago

Whoa im starting to hate the MC a lot, first its fishing instead of the technique tailored for him but i get the argument but now the monney instead of ice release Just nope nope , money Will not get you not killed , no Matter how you look at it , its dumb, im seing a trend here , im sure the next one Will be a bullshit like that (like chose infinite supplies of chocolate bar or soda instead of dust release)

12 days ago
Replied to Sumit_Bhamer

i'm talking about the jutsus names : haolong and shit , you translate the name online and you go on naruto wiki and cross with it , will be easy , maybee its a litlle work but it will be way better than just post chinese names , its might dai by the way so close enough

13 days ago

the chinese names are really annoying , come on that is not so hard to correct before releasing

15 days ago

since when does he have rinnegan ? should be sharingan (cf madara & Kyubi)

27 days ago

The MC is really passive , even a beta i think , its becoming borring , especially if you consider the fact that he is an ex cultivator

1 months ago

there is a lot of mistakes with the Jutsu rank (like more than half are B instead of C) just saying , i though the same with Fuinjutsu but since its not very developed in the series in term of basic seals i let it pass

1 months ago

I like the story so far but you are really bad with the Jutsus , i read from the begining so i can pay attention , First its Mud Spear , then Earth Spike & finally its Earth Spear for the same jutsu , just pick one & stick to it , by the way although there are all B Rank , these are completly different jutsus : Earth & Mud are not the same & earth spear is the technique of kakuzu that is nothing alike the other 2 (he litterally coat his body with earth chakra to drill into his opponent) , based on the description its earth spike , i know its a detail but these kind of things make all the difference in term of coherence in the narrative

1 months ago

A Really good story , good character dvp , the mc is infuriating at the begining and makes lots of mistakes but that's life , a lot of reviews complain about it but people are flawed and who know what somebody would do in this situation , the evolution of the MC is well done (still there is the shadow clone thing : author deliberatly make the mc dumb on that issue , seriously he learns it after a longggg time although it would have been helpful in lots of situations and he even recognize it) anyway i really like the fic and i hope it will continue (maybee a little more updates)

1 months ago

the mask is going to be a thing for life ? honestly can't stand a mc that doesn't assume himself , would you do that in its place ? who does that ? shame i quite liked the fic even if it's slow (seriously more than 150 chaps to become official genin is a bit much)