Why is she so dumb
In no time, she had her eyes closed while waiting for the predestined surprise.
Urban · BaeVida
release remaining chapters pls author …
Where did you get the chapters pls
Sách này đã bị xóa
The female lead friend is getting out of hand ….. so irritating 😠
Dear author, a quick advice pls : with the way the novel is going.. people are going to loose interest in it .. because when you started this novel the beginning was marvelous … but right about now the body of the novel is going round and round in circles .. so I will advice you to change it back before people start to loose interest in it …. Anyways it just an advice and I mean no harm ✌️
Author dear, are you doing welll .... why havent you been able to update this novel ... or are we Just going to forgeT about it like
Pls author nothing Should happen to their baby i beg you
Wow author you’re soooooo gifted .... i love you novel and keep it up with your good work ...:: but pleaseeeeeeeee try and update on time cos this cliffhanger is too much for my Delicate heart ☹️☹️☹️
Miss M
Who's the Culprit?
His Mistress is His Ex-Wife
Urban · ellezar_g