Webnovel Author: Neil_H - Novel Collection



male LV 10

Author, editor and so forth.

2019-11-12 đã tham gia Antarctica

Huy hiệu 8

Moments 598

Replied to sazawa01

Well, it's a big deal for her.

"Yes, I mean, I'm sorry, it's not so… Oh." My mother put her hand to her mouth as she suddenly realised the implications of what Myra was saying. "But… but he has no… I mean, I though, hoped it would manifest later, sometimes that happens. I mean, I was happy just to have a child… I…" She staggered over to the chair I was still standing on, lifted me up, and slumped down into it, sitting me on her lap.

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to sazawa01

Some girls develop early haha!

"As you say Miss Myra," I said, resting against her chest and luxuriating in it. "Oh, please take my book back."

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to sazawa01

You are forgiven! ;) I know, I don't generally like doing this much explanation, but I kinda needed to establish the magic system, so this got the basics out of the way.

In any case, to use magic, one had to channel the mana, and to do that you had to visualise the task in a certain way to create a spell. Spells were of five levels. Base, low, medium, high and ultra. Base spells were really low level things, using a tiny amount of mana, such as creating a spark, and nearly anyone could do this. However, more powerful spells needed more energy, more mana, and this is where people differed. Those with higher power, and hence higher ability, could channel more mana at once. Controlling this mana grew exponentially harder, with only a very rare mage being powerful enough to try ultra level spells, so the use of incantations was needed at some point. Usually, more powerful wizards could cast some medium levels spells without the need to incant, but beyond that, the spell usually needed to be spoken, and more powerful spells still needed hand movements too. These allowed the caster to channel the mana and shape it to their will. However, of course, these incantations meant the spell took longer to cast, and in a time critical situation, such as a battle, this could be fatal. 

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.

Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to Katryne_Seguin


Replied to Velv

Oh, there's more to this than meets the eye too. ;)

"I'm very hard to kill," said Dreth. "Now then, I believe I owe you a guess." He pointed his sword at the dragon. The blade seemed to steam with black mist. "Care to give us a clue?"

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to Velv

It remains unsolved to this day.

He roared and raised his mace, but the creature stepped inside his swing and brought a bony knee up between his legs, crushing the genitals with a powerful blow. Agony lanced through the Orc, and he screamed as blood dripped down his thigh.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to Lyla_Blanton

There's a long road ahead...

Shocked I'm not all goody goody? Like I give a fuck.

The Erotic Misadventures of an Alien's Slave!

The Erotic Misadventures of an Alien's Slave!

Sci-fi · Neil_H

Replied to Cecil_2005

Tis a valuable unlife lesson.

It was his own fault, he admitted to himself. He'd made his own tomb, now he had to lie in it. When the mysterious wizard had offered a naïve young adventurer immortality, in return for acting as a guard for a while, he should really have read the small print for the definition of 'a while'.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to Microraptor

No one has lasted long enough to give an accurate measurement. 😵

"Perhaps a big one then?" A shadow detached itself from the cavern wall and advanced to reveal the largest, meanest looking troll Crug had ever seen.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to Microraptor

He didn't bring that many! 😉

"Look, of course it's a trap. The whole place is one giant trap." Redthorne rubbed at his forehead in annoyance. "I admit I made a mistake hiring that worthless thief, or I should have at least hired two. Still, he's gone now, and I say we push ahead with our mission. Unless you are going to renege on your agreements?" The mage raised his staff in a threatening gesture.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to HiHello_


"AAAaaaaaargggggmmmmmfffff!" Littlehorn gagged as his insides were brutally thrust upwards, forcing themselves up his throat, distending it obscenely, and vomiting them out of his mouth in a mash of tissue and blood.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to SahmtingWong


Replied to raidenwins1

Black Hawk Down movie.

"Black Orc down! Black Orc down!" shouted Percy, doing a little jig and waving his arms about.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

Replied to Path_Finder_1107


The young zombie looked at the key and then at the chest. They seemed like they could match. Pushing his arm on more firmly, he tiptoed forward. The snoring rose to a crescendo, and the monster snorted, rolling to the side, facing the undead. Sprat stood still, not breathing, though this was normal for him.

Tired of Death

Tired of Death

Fantasy · Neil_H

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