Angellis95 - Profile



LV 12
2019-11-05 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 11

Moments 606


The only countermeasure against Batman is another person who's as paranoid as Batman

"Well, it appears that the countermeasure is effective..." Bruce said with a smile as he turned to his butler. "Are you happy now, Alfred?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132

Replied to TreacherousVoid

technically that depends on the version if we're talking about the one that only is able to be killed by silver then nothing else will work so this is possible

I frowned as I watched the werewolf's head regenerate, its thick skull continuously healing. I continued to break it repeatedly, even while slowly but steadily raising the electric charge, but the creature still stubbornly regenerated through everything.

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


I only ate school lunches on days where they actually had good food which wasn't often aside from that I got my milk out of it and then I gave the food to somebody else in exchange I took their milk

He took his tray and stood in line, then the cook lady served him some kind of brownish puree. Allen thought he should start bringing his own food. He sat at a nearly empty table and waited for Gwen Stacy, his friend, who was supposed to meet him in the cafeteria.

I Stream DC on Marvel

I Stream DC on Marvel

Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen

Replied to SnowRose

who's this a picture of ? it looks oddly familiar

White hair like Allen's is not impossible in this world, but there are very few people with that hair color. For Allen, having his natural color makes him a center of attention.

I Stream DC on Marvel

I Stream DC on Marvel

Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen

Replied to Ronin46

I mean I get what you're saying about the Peter Parker thing but at the same time there have been a number of characters that have been ruined because they haven't taken responsibility for anything mostly concerning villains. I'm not really judging your comment because it does have some truth to it but you should at least look on the other side of things too

The algorithm could enable people to see the true future and that is very dangerous, especially for the "me" right now. It would enable me to stop crime even before it happens, to know about criminals the moment they are born and that is something I don't want to know. I have seen too many movies to not understand how that sort of power can get over anyone's head, even mine. No amount of willpower is enough to have a power like that and not mess with it. Remember, with power comes responsibility but with absolute power comes absolute responsibility, something that I am not quite ready for... yet." I retorted, explaining to Cortana why I didn't want to use the algorithm so soon even though it truly was OP. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to ForkMe

I mean it's not necessary, but aside from a few things, a lot of things are more sanitary for you if you wash them off before you cook them

Taking out a pair of chicken breasts, Kenji drained the packages out into the sink before briefly washing them off with water. After patting the cutlets dry, Kenji filled a Dutch oven with oil before turning the stove on high. After filling a second pot with water, Kenji poured some rice before getting out a plate and a bowl. 

MHA Paragon

MHA Paragon

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn


I prefer delicious in dungeon

Walking over to the kitchen counter, Kenji unpacked his ingredients, 'Thank god I went through a cooking anime phase,' 

MHA Paragon

MHA Paragon

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn



Instead of being repulsed, however, Toga seemed to push her nose into Kenji's shirt, "It's smell nice." 

MHA Paragon

MHA Paragon

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn

Replied to Blue_Flame_365

it depends on what you mean by goth cuz she does wear Gothic clothing if she is considered goth, probably one of the most energetic Goths you'll ever meet also when she's not super cheerful and excited! she has quite a few goth characteristics

Ruby Rose: Adam's childhood friend who moved away before high school, reunites with Adam at university, a self-taught witch thanks to the legacy/inheritance her mother left her.

Goth Girls Galore!

Goth Girls Galore!

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Reserv_r_dog

I'm pretty sure this is from the comics and in some of the cartoons, but Amazon's usually use magically, enchanted equipment from armor, Shields, Spears, arrows whatever only a few actually have godly equipment two examples being Hippolta and Diana

To speak the truth, I have always believed the Amazons to be weak after I watched the first Wonder Woman movie back in 2017. I mean in the film; it was shown that so many of their warriors died after just being hit by a few bullets. The Justice League movie had tried to do some justice to the race of female super warriors when it showed a couple of Amazons being able to even restrict Steppenwolf for some amount of time. But as a tradeoff it made them seem like stupid savages after it showed them fighting Steppenwolf and his Para demon armies with ordinary bows and arrows. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to DIMIE_21

based on his thought process he must free people from their lives so as long as there's people to do that he will not Free himself

However, instead of being afraid, Victor's lips twisted into a manic twisted grin. "Ah, the Bat. You are just as terrifying as advertised, just as good. But you won't stop me. You see, I am the chosen one, this is my fate just like dying and becoming free is that girl's. She's already marked. Now, it's my responsibility to relieve her of the terrible boredom that she calls her life and as a result, free her of her mortal binds." 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to Rigchel

That's true, it's pretty much not an official couple in marvel if at least one of the partners hasn't cheated on the other whether knowingly or not

"I don't know... I need time to think. I-I'll talk to you later Talia, I just need some alone time right now. Plus I think I need a drink or maybe one of those special fancy teas Alfred likes to make." I forcibly separated from her hug and quickly began to walk in the direction of the manor with a complicated feeling in my heart. Goddamn, why couldn't things be simple, why did I have to fall in love with a man who attracts so many women.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to Rigchel

dc has some of the most complicated relationships in comics. just about everybody has slept with everybody in some form or another

"I don't know... I need time to think. I-I'll talk to you later Talia, I just need some alone time right now. Plus I think I need a drink or maybe one of those special fancy teas Alfred likes to make." I forcibly separated from her hug and quickly began to walk in the direction of the manor with a complicated feeling in my heart. Goddamn, why couldn't things be simple, why did I have to fall in love with a man who attracts so many women.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


Solomon Grundy

"This is hopeless Bruce, you can't hit me. Just accept that fact. You see, the Lazarus pit doesn't only just increase one's lifespan and bring them from the dead but when paired with certain other compounds can also have interesting magical effects. One such compound is something called Electrum. It is extremely rare but I found a group of people who deal with it. Quite coincidentally, they are from Gotham as well.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

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