Chapter 20 " was that guy gay? He carried himself in a weird way"
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Tbh I can look past all that as there is improvement but I can't look past the homophobic comment that rubs me the wrong way
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Also has a weirdly homophobic comment out of nowhere in the story, I dont know why lol
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Idea was not bad, main character has no actual goal, follows og plot to a weird degree no matter what happens the plot will prevail one way or another Characters obsessed with mc and mc having some weird attachment to anyone who speaks to him, miwa talked to him once and next day her only dialogue was her missing her best friend??? Mc got contracted with someone and next day he sees her as an older sister? Mc teaching everyone how to get stronger for no reason which is fine tbh but the pacing is going nowhere, the plot didn't change from og with some training chapters for Megumi and miwa if you watched or read the manga just avoid this it's the literal 1:1 copy Really good updating rate though can't deny that
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Toppo is one in training
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The dimension WAS a universe
[Please choose from the collection of playing characters, the current options are Naruto, DC, Dragon Ball]
Anime & Comics · YFT
Lol today IS his birthday
"Wait. Today's June 2nd... It's my birthday!"
Anime & Comics · Arcanum_02
Bro used an anime scene as an example 💀
Axel was heavily criticized for using an obscene gesture in public, and the opposition of these people only increased as the Savage Mark gained popularity. It came to the point that it was being demanded that he be banned from playing Quidditch in the future matches at Hogwarts, something which even the sponsors and Ludo Bagman protested against. After all, there was no money to be made without Axel.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" is such an underappreciated quote from Hindu scripture don't know many others tho tbh
Edie's words hung in the air, his demeanor reminiscent of Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, who once lamented, "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds." But unlike Oppenheimer, Edie had no interest in grappling with moral dilemmas.
One Piece: Scientist Simulator
Anime & Comics · NikaTheHonoredOne