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2019-10-05 đã tham gia Global
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Moments 163
2 years ago
Replied to Shuten

yes but it was a filler episode, meaning oda didn't draw it, so it probably has no meaning

He also decided to present to his wife any Poneglyph who knew his whereabouts.

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Anime & Comics · BlackStar_BH

2 years ago
Replied to Lustsifer

which manga is this

Little Red Riding Hood, also known as Little Red Cap, is a famous fairy tale about a young girl and a Big Bad Wolf, most famously told by the Brothers Grimm. The story has been retold through several versions during its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings.

All Heaven and Worlds Store

All Heaven and Worlds Store

Anime & Comics · LittleApple

2 years ago
Replied to MaSt_wIxt121

its marvel world,there are no shortage of genius in this world.Tony made AI at age 16 I guess ,peter made his own webs,banner had 12 PhDs so why is it unbelievable to show higher level of intelligence in Marvel world

"Dad before everything starts I would like to meet the director of the movie. You can be one of the producers too. You can keep the money for later uses as I have other needs for the money." John said.

Multiverse of Marvel

Multiverse of Marvel

Movies · thelightedghost

2 years ago
Replied to IAmGOD

Its very cute of Snape to say and feel that way

"I'll let this one slide child but don't expect anymore favors," I said in a hushed voice and continued to listen to the lecture. The seemingly innocent snoring of the child calming me down.

Infinity and Magic (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Infinity and Magic (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · ASHARA

3 years ago
Replied to Herach

maybe because strong people can ignore luck,like kaido (one piece) no matter the luck,u cannot hurt him.u probably can't even hurt zeus and other gods using luck. so strength is all that matters plus if it did matter it would make the story bs

"Heh." I scoff, I'm almost as strong as a average man at 14? Whatever, I'm not stupid and can obviously tell that Str is strength, Vit is vitality, Dex is dexterity, Int is intelligence, Wis is wisdom, Mag is magic which is awesome! Luc being luck which I call bullshit, and Cha is charisma.

Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

Book&Literature · Plebston323

3 years ago
Replied to

luck in video game only helps to get you critical hits ,so it may be that thinking maybe

"Heh." I scoff, I'm almost as strong as a average man at 14? Whatever, I'm not stupid and can obviously tell that Str is strength, Vit is vitality, Dex is dexterity, Int is intelligence, Wis is wisdom, Mag is magic which is awesome! Luc being luck which I call bullshit, and Cha is charisma.

Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

Book&Literature · Plebston323

3 years ago
Replied to Promethee

actually it's a lot easier to understand than numbers

[Paradise Pirate [Level 1-5] -> Yonko Crew Apprentice Pirate -> Yonko Crew Pirate -> Quasi Yonko Commander -> Yonko Commander (Low-Mid-High-Top tiers) -> Quasi Yonko -> Yonko (Low-Mid-High-Top tiers) and finally Beyond Yonko.]

One Piece: Path to Power

One Piece: Path to Power

Anime & Comics · Paradox_

3 years ago
Replied to Cristian99

magic is based on emotions,so stronger emotions stronger magic especially in developing phase of his magic

3 years ago
Replied to vampire04

I don't think dumbles will take any action against them.

Quinn West - Owner of A.I.D - Anger, Rage, Fury.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

3 years ago

Make him reveal that potters stole from Snape and do it in front of the whole school and make ivy Potter life miserable by pranking her , don't let her of easy.If dumbles tries something funny ,just use your grandpa name(I don't personally like this because it's like Malfoy "my father will hear about it" ) but checking someone's private things without any reason, will make anyone anger. Even I m boiling with rage just by reading it.

Quinn West - Owner of A.I.D - Anger, Rage, Fury.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader