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Am waiting for truck-kun to hit me so i can reincarnate with my wishes

2019-10-04 đã tham gia Australia

Huy hiệu 17

Moments 2157

Replied to AzagalPlay

that's fair lol

He also grabbed a small bag full of medical supplies. Since he became a nurse in his previous life, no matter where he is, he always have an emergency kit with him no matter where he go.



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to XenonNoble

nah I'm sure his gonna use his eyes to copy or read her movements so they will be in sync

Felix, on the other hand, does not know a thing about dancing. He is known in his Imperial Dance classes as a person who has both two left feet. He just said that he knew a thing or two in order to save his dwindling confidence.



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax


how the hell is this relatable, dude has a few screws loose

Unbeknownst to the man and eagle duo, the whole room was amused by their banter. They noticed that even if the prince is way above them in terms of status, they saw him as a relatable, albeit maturing, youth



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax



"Läßt uns heiraten (Let's get married)."



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax



"Oho, looks like a fresh meat has come straight to our doors."



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax



"Oho, looks like a fresh meat has come straight to our doors."



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to Kyran_Ambrosius

just looked it up and no it can't . apparently a golden eagle can lift from 3.6-4.5kg

He then planned out his genius escape route which was through the window. Yes, the window. But this is not the Rapunzel type of escape, but the eagle type of escape. How can an eagle carry a 40kg child you ask? well, let's just say...., magic....



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to AzagalPlay

your're only starting to correct it here?, the author has made numerous Grammer mistakes, might as well correct them all, at least then they might actually fix them


He also grabbed a small bag full of medical supplies. Since he became a nurse in his previous life, no matter where he is, he always have an emergency kit with him no matter where he go.



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax


is there a tldr version


There are more nations which will be tackled as the story goes on, however, the known nations are Grand Duchy of Dacia (Romania), Hellenic Republic (Greece), Kingdom of Ildoa (Italy), Ottoman Sultanate (Arabian Emirates), British-Vajra Empire (India), Terra de Santa Cruz (Almost all of South America), Isthmus Kingdom (Central America), East Asian Alliance (composed of different nations such as China, Japan, and Korea), the South East Asian Alliance (which is composed of Taiwan, Philippines, and everything down under except Australia), the Alba Septentrionalis (Canada and Alaska), and the last nation, which truly surprised Felix, is Australia, which has the same name but was split into Germanic Australia, and English Australia. 



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to HereForGoodRead

bro is just skimming through the chapters


Felix, then thought hard about what request he may ask for.... He thought about his previous life and thought about what he wanted to have during his previous life. What he wanted in his previous life the most was freedom. He was a nurse, but oftentimes he also has the urge to kill. If he saw a blood that was blue or indigo, he suddenly has the urge to kill them, however, he is bounded by his oath to uphold all life. In his future life, he wanted to be free.



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to Lord_Fate_Master

that's just a contract with extra steps


"Fufufu, you look so cute trying to run eyy fufu.. but don't worry, I will not give you a contract, I know you have a bit of a trauma against contracts, so other than a contract, I will give you my, *Drum rolls* sponsorship! It's good right?!" 



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to Lord_Fate_Master

breast milk counts as a bodily fluid, and Subaru was drinking that coffee/tea? fine until she said that so it tasted good

She points toward the other side of the table. Across the goddess, there is a small stump for sitting. Felix went towards the pavilion, minding his steps so he might not stumble since there are numerous roots and rocks scattered in the ground, also, the one in front of him is a goddess, he need to keep his attitude in check. Once he reached the pavilion, he sat down at the tree stump and, suddenly a tea with an aromatic scent appeared in front of him. The aroma reminded him of the freshly picked apples he once ate in his grandmother's backyard. It also has a hint of something tangy which contrasts the sweetness of the smell, or even taste. Also, the tea has the smoky scent of something burnt yet inviting.



Anime & Comics · Income_Tax

Replied to DeejaeSutherland

people still have secret identities

Now he really understood why his son ditched school today. If he had gone and done something similar there, in a public place… he didn't want to imagine it.

A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

Replied to SlothElephant2k18

but I've already been to Japan so it would have been useful there(and I plan to go again)

Love? He said love, right? Sorry, not into squids! Or did it mean that it would love seeing me suffer? I should have taken that Japanese class they had offered in high school!

Prince of Nazarick [Overlord]

Prince of Nazarick [Overlord]

Anime & Comics · Draugzel

Replied to COFF33MANIAC

yes it is, but you don't have to remember it, as long as you're reborn as a child it's reincarnation, Naruto for example is the reincarnation of Asura "the sage of the six paths" child he has no prior memories besides the fact his naruto

You know… Reincarnation is great, but reincarnating into someone who is soon to die is not great. Well, I cannot say that I am reincarnated. I take over the body of a child. Is it a regressor? I don't think so. A regressor is someone who goes to the past or something like that. Urgh. Let's forget about this.

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

Book&Literature · Fangrove

Replied to Passerby_Venne

you think your funny 😂 all the creative names are food


Namikaze Mirai leaped from the vantage point, his body arced in mid-air and his blond hair shimmered in the sunlight as he descended gracefully towards the heart of the village. 

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

Anime & Comics · Dienekes


that's good enough for me


I will be able to only upload at most two chapters per week.

A New Stefan Salvatore

A New Stefan Salvatore

TV · Adams2004


at this point the medics should just stop checking on him

Just as I was about to stab the man in the face I realized they were American soldiers who were looking at me in terror. I released them and let them go ahead and begin burning the trenches as a few of my men ran over to me. A medic ran over and checked me over but saw no wounds even though I was covered in blood and viscera. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar

Replied to SPIRIT_KING

his a bastard he doesn't get a last name hence the name snow

My mom is Anissa Rogáre I'm still not sure if she was mentioned in the main series or was canon at all. Afterall this might be an Alternate Universe.

Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born

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