She sincerely didn't mind Sona also being Eiji's woman.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
Feeling proud of her own English heritage, she switched to a British accent and stated, "I'm from Hampstead."
Movies · AidenUsmani
"Unless, you let me be on a date with your mom" said Lucien, his back was facing both shcoked friends while Lucien was grinning.
TV · TheLonelyGod
Chapter 112 - Pandemonium Is Coming
Urban · AinzOolGown0601
Surprising night activity (18+) warning
TV · Kagetanehiruko
A split moment later you opened your mouth wide and spat out a massive gout of flame that roared towards her like a consuming wave.
Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
I questioned as I placed my glass down and walked towards him, my smile vanishing as I arrived in front him with my eyes glowing as I towered him.
TV · KingSeyer
"Gaaah you ask a hard one, now it's my turn. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?"
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
"Yes. It beats a boring school over a place where people with cool powers are around."
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
Looks like he's one step closer to surpassing All Might, maybe if we ever get a real fight it'll actually be fun, well, at least until I get bored. He's still only human after all...'
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)
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